Most outdoor activities. Plus I love collecting mandolins and guitars. Jamming with friends and strangers, is probably where I find the most joy. Writing about roots music has become my latest passion.
Some Banjo players
Most acoustic music, some with banjos in it. I tend to get sick and leave the room when I hear the Beatles sung by banjo players. It's not like I dislike Banjoists or the Beatles but too much of a good thing can be harmful. I play some guitar and mandolin, but it seems I like buying them more than playing them. Generally I appreciate most music, if it's played well.
Anything appearing on the screen, its a fuckin evil magnet.
Robertson Davies, Aldous Huxley, Carlos Castaneda, Kurt Vonnegut, RD Laing, Tom Robbins, Alan Watts, JR Tolkien, Sam Clements, Robert Anton Wilson, Lao Tzu.
Most of my friends