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Valentinus of Alexandria


About Me

Valentinus was a second century Christian mystic and poet. He is sometimes refered to as a "Gnostic" because of the importance that mystical knowledge (gnosis) plays in his thought.
Valentinus was born in Phrebonis in upper Egypt about 100 AD and educated in nearby Alexandria. There he became a disciple of the Christian teacher Theudas who had been a disciple of Saint Paul.
He claimed that Theudas taught him secret wisdom that Paul had taught privately to his inner circle.

Like many early Christian mystics, Valentinus claimed that that he had a vision of the risen Christ. Following his vision, he began his career as a Christian teacher at Alexandria around 120AD.
His esoteric theology quickly attracted a large following in Egypt and Syria. In 136 AD, he went to Rome after stopping briefly in Cyprus. At Rome he quickly rose to prominence and was widely respected for his eloquence.
He was so well regarded in the Roman church that in 143 AD he was a candidate for the office of bishop.
It seems likely he refused the position. He continued to teach in Rome for at least ten more years.
A Chronology of the Valentinian School
4BCE Birth of Jesus

C25-27 Jesus
C27 Crucifixion of Jesus
37-65 Activity of Saint Paul.
C60 Theudas a disciple of Paul.
C62 Martyrdom of James, brother of Jesus
C65 Martyrdom of Paul
C70 Destruction of Jerusalem
C70-110 Development of speculative theology among some of Paul's followers.
C90 Valentinus born in Phrebonis, Egypt (near Alexandria).
C110 Valentinus comes into contact with Theudas, an aging disciple of Paul
C120 Valentinus founds school at Alexandria after having a vision of Christ in the form of a child. Theodotus among his first followers.
C139 Valentinus goes to Rome and founds school there. Ptolemy and Secundus his most important pupils.
143 Valentinus a candidate for bishop of Rome
150 Florinus moves from Smyrna to Rome where he joins the Valentinian school
C155 Valentinus dies
C155-175 Secundus, Herakleon, and Ptolemy active at Rome. Theodotus and Marcus in Alexandria. Valentinian school spreads throughout the Roman Empire.
C160 Prominent Valentinian teacher Ptolemy imprisoned and later martyred(?) Herakleon moves from Sicily to Rome where he becomes one of the leading figures of the Valentinian school
165 Miltiades opposes Valentinians in Smyrna.
C170 Julius Cassian splits with the Valentinian school at Alexandria over the issue of marriage.
C175-225 Alexander active in north Africa. Theotimus and Florinus active at Rome. Axionicus active at Antioch. Marcus active at Lyon and Syria. North African Valentinians translate the school's writings into Latin. First opponents of the Valentinian school (Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria)
178 Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, attacks Valentinians in his book "Against Heresies".
195 Valentinians in Carthage opposed by Tertullian.
C200 Florinus presbyter at Rome. Syrian school under Axionicus rises to prominence. Leucius incorporates Valentinian material into Acts of John. Tertullian attacks the school in "Against the Valentinians". Valentinians at Alexandria opposed by Clement.
C200 Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, demands that the bishop of Rome dismiss the presbyter Florinus on the grounds that he is a Valentinian.
C225-325 Candidus at Athens. Philokomos, Adelphius and Aquilinus at Rome. Demostratus active in Lydia.
229 Prominent Valentinan teacher Candidus debates orthodox teacher Origen at Athens.
C230 Hippolytus writes against Valentinians at Rome in his "Refutation of all Heresies".
C235 The teachings of Beron and Helix lead to dissention with the Valentinian school at Rome.
C263-268 Adelphius and Aquilinus form a Valentinian circle within the Neoplatonist school at Rome.
268 Plotinus writes "Against the Gnostics" (Enneads II:9) to curb the infuence of Valentinians (Adelphius and Aquilinus) in his school.
C275 Burial inscription of Flavia Sophe, a Valentinian woman in Rome.
C250-350 Egyptian Valentinians translate Valentinian writings into Coptic e.g. Codex I and XI from Nag Hammadi. Egyptian Valentinians translate Biblical texts into Coptic e.g. Papyrus Bodmer III (cf. Massaux, 1959, New Testament Studies 5, pp 210-12).
C326-379 With state support, the Catholic church begins to expel "heretics" from their congregations.
326 Catholicism becomes state religion of Roman Empire. Valentinians (among others) forbidden to assemble by emporor Contantine. No penalty was imposed on those who did.
C350 Church authorities ban "heretical" writings. Valentinian writings among those buried by monks at Nag Hamadi to hide them from Catholic authorities.
C350 Arians persecute Valentinians in Edessa
379-395 Reign of emporor Theodosius I. His reign was marked by a sort of "cultural revolution". A reign of terror was instituted. All religions other than Catholism were banned and religious persecution became state policy. Under the "Theodosian Laws" heresy became treason and was punishable by death. Numerous books and religious buildings were destroyed. "Heretics" were forcibly expelled from larger cities and had their property seized.
C380 Epiphanius of Salimis writes against Valentinians in "Panarion". Based on his own writings, he was one of the major instigators of purges of non-Catholics.
385 In Spain, Priscillian is accused of having connections with the Manichean and Valentinian schools. He and two followers are executed. They are the first of many executed for 'heresy'.
386 Valentinians in Antioch opposed by John Chrystostom
387 Catholic fanatics ransack and burn the great library of Alexandria. Thousands of books are lost including many Gnostic and philosophical works.
388 The Catholic bishop at Callinicum (modern Syria) sends a mob of monks to burn a Valentinian chapel and a Jewish synagogue. Incidents of this sort going were taking place throughout the Roman Empire. The Catholic "Church Father" Ambrose convinces the emporor not to punish the perpetrators of these acts.
395-500 Valentinianism begins to go into decline as a result of persecution by Catholic and Roman authorities.
400 Valentianians persecuted by Severian at Gabula.
400 Valentianians persecuted by Theodore at Mopsuestia.
428 Valentinians forbidden to assemble by emporor Theodosius II on pain of death.
450 Valentinians persecuted by Theodoret in Cyrrus.
476 Final fall of Western Roman Empire.
500-800 Valentinianism reduced to a small underground movement. Brutal persecution by Catholic authorities continues.
C600 A small group of Valentinian 'Hermetics' active at Constantinople
692 Suppression of Valentinianism is mentioned by Trullan Synod indicating the school still existed at this time.
C800 The Valentinian school proper disappears.
C1850 Neo-Valentinians active in France.
1896 The foundation of the Gnostic Church in Paris begins the revival of sacramental Gnosticism.
1928 The foundation of the Gnostic Society in North America.
1945 The Gnostic Christian Nag Hammadi Library is found in Egypt. The writings had been buried since 350. Approximately one third of the 51 writings in the library derive from the Valentinian school.
1959 The foundation of the Ecclesia Gnostica in the U.S.
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The followers of Valentinus are refered to as "Valentinians". The major Valentinian theological schools were at Rome, Alexandria and Antioch.
The most notable teacher of the Alexandrian school was Theodotus. Ptolemy and Herakleon were the most important teachers of the Roman school. The school at Antioch rose to prominence around 200 AD under Axionicus.
Valentinus never intended to set up a separate church and his followers continued to be active members of Catholic congregations throughout the second and third centuries.
Some members of the Church hierarchy were sympathetic to the movement. As late as 200 AD it was still possible for a Valentinian to hold the ecclesiastical rank of presbyter at Rome.
While Valentinians participated in the public life of the Catholic Church, they also held their meetings separately from the congregation of which they formed part.
Many of their meetings were open to all interested parties and served to attract potential converts to the movement. Such meetings were surprisingly open and egalitarian affairs.
This must have impressed orthodox critic Tertullian who reports with astonishment : "They all have access equally, they all listen equally, they all pray equally - even pagans if they happen to come… They also share the kiss of peace with all who come." (Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics 41)
Anybody who came to a meeting was seen as potentially spiritual and was made welcome. While newcomers would not have been allowed to address the group, any of the full initiates could be invited to speak based on drawing lots (Irenaeus Against Heresies 1:13:3).

My Blog

The Tripartite Tractate

Translated by Harold W. Attridge and Dieter Mueller Part I 1. Introduction As for what we can say about the things which are exalted, what is fitting is that we ...
Posted by Valentinus of Alexandria on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:24:00 PST

Gospel of Philip

..>..>..>..>..>The Gospel of Phillip Translation by Wesley W.Isenberg A Hebrew makes another Hebrew, and such a person is called proselyte. But a proselyte does not make another proselyte. Some b...
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Ptolemys Letter to Flora

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Posted by Valentinus of Alexandria on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 09:13:00 PST

The Gospel of Truth

The Gospel of TruthTranslated by Robert M. Grant The gospel of truth is joy to those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of knowing him by the power of the Logos, who...
Posted by Valentinus of Alexandria on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:12:00 PST