SerenityNetherlands profile picture



About Me

The history of Serenity, The Austrian metal band from Tirol.

Serenity's history has its beginning in January 2001 when the first complete line-up after several personal changes and more than a year of rehearsal started to work hard on writing and performing melodic metal with some progressive influences. Being quite succesful in playing live and receiving fine reviews for the first demo established Serenity as one of the leading metal bands of the region. They seemed to be ready for reaching higher grounds when in late 2003/early 2004 three of the founding members left the band. In February 2004 Serenity got in contact with a guitarist, a singer and a bass player who were in search of musicians to join their metal project.

And so, since March 2004, Serenity consists of Georg Neuhauser (lead vocals), Thomas Buchberger (lead & rhythm guitars), Simon Holzknecht (bass), Mario Hirzinger (keys, vocals) and Andreas Schipflinger (drums, vocals). The new line-up brought some subtle musical changes, too. Besides introducing a new lead voice the songs were now based on a more 'metal' riffing, yet a high demand on melodies, orchestral parts and arrangements for several voices surely remained. 'New' Serenity's crucial test took place on 2nd of August 2004 when they successfully supported Ronnie James Dio facing an unbelievable raging crowd. This first proof of the band's good work was followed by other strong gigs which finally granted Serenity the approving respect by the local metal scene.

In the meantime they had begun to produce the new demo 'Engraved Within' on their own. After being mixed by Jan Vacik at Dreamscape Studios in Munich/Germany 'Engraved Within' was released in spring 2005 and received outstanding reviews all over Europe, among them i.e. 'Demo of the month' in german Rock Hard and Metal Hammer magazines.

Although some labels were interested to work with the band, Serenity decided to produce a self-financed full-length album which would increase the chances for a more valuable deal including touring activities. 'Words Untold & Dreams Unlived' can be called an all-over european project, for it was recorded in Dreamscape Studios/Munich as well as at home in Austria, mixed and mastered at Finnvox Studios/Helsinki, orchestral parts were produced in Czech Republic and the whole artwork was done by Seth-Design in Athens/Greece.

De geschiedenis van Serenity, De Oostenrijkse metal band uit Tirol.

De geschiedenis van Serenity begint in januari 2001 als de eerste complete line-up, na diverse personele varanderingen en meer dan een jaar van oefening, begint met optredens en werken aan het schrijven van melodische metal met wat progressieve invloeden. Door succesvolle optreden en goede recenties op de eerste demo cd, wordt Serenity een van de leidende metal bands van de regio. Ze lijken klaar om een stap verder te gaan, als eind 2003/begin 2004 drie grondleggers de band verlaten. In februari 2004 komt Serenity in contact met een gitaris, een zanger en een bassist welke op zoek zijn naar muzikanten voor hun metal project.

Hierdoor bestaat Serenity sinds maart 2004 uit Georg Neuhauser (zang), Thomas Buchberger (lead & rhythm gitaar), Simon Holzknecht (bass gitaar), Mario Hirzinger (toetsen en achtergrond zang) en Andreas Schipflinger (drums en achtergrond zang). De nieuwe line-up zorgt ook voor enige muzikale veranderingen. Naast een nieuwe lead zanger worden ook de nummers gebaseerd op meer metal riffs, toch blijft er een grote nadruk liggen op de melodieën, orkestrale delen en meerstemmige zang. De cruciale test voor het “nieuwe” Serenity is op 2 augustus 2004 als support van Ronnie James Dio, ten overstaande van een uitzinnigde menigte. Deze eerste blijk van de band's goede werk word gevolgd door andere sterkte optredens, wat resulteerde in het grote respect voor de band bij de plaatselijke metal scene.

Ondertussen is de band begonnen met het opnemen van de nieuwe demo “Engraved Within” in eigen productie. Nadat deze door Jan Vacik van Dreamscape Studios is gemixed in Munchen/Duitsland, word deze in het voorjaar van 2005 uitgebracht en in heel Europe ontvangen met geweldige recenties, waaronder als “Demo van de maand” voor de Duitse metalbladen Rock Hard en Metal Hammer.

Ondanks het feit dat meerdere platenlabels geïntereseerd zijn in Serenity, word er besloten om een volledige cd in eigen beheer uit te brengen waardoor de kansen op een betere platendeal en tour activiteiten groter worden. “Words Untold & Dreams Unlived” kan een Europees project genoemd worden, aangezien deze word opgenomen in de Dreamscape Studios in Munchen/Duitsland, als ook thuis in Oostenrijk. De cd word gemixed en mastered in de Finnvox Studios in Helsinki/Finland, de orkestrale delen worden geproduceerd in de Czechische Republiek en het gehele art werk word gedaan door Seth-Design in Athene/Griekenland.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/7/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Georg Neuhauser -
Lead vocals/

Thomas Buchberger -
lead en rythm guitars/
lead en rythm gitaar

Mario Hirzinger -
keys and backing vocals/
toetsen en achtergrond zang

Simon Holzknecht -
bass guitar/
bass gitaar

Andreas Schipflinger -
drums and backing vocals/
drums en achtergrond zang

Sounds Like: SERENITY


Demo: Engraved Within
sold out

Words Untold & Dreams Unlived

Record Label: Napalm Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Festival gig confirmed/Festivaloptreden bevestigd!

Hi everybody,We are glad to annouce our first live appearce this year at ROCK MANIA FESTIVAL ( in Dettelbach/Germany! We will play on Saturday, May 24th, and introduce two or three br...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 09:09:00 PST

Update "Fallen Sanctuary"

Mix of "Fallen Sanctuary" is running!Jacob Hansen started mixing our new output last week  first samples are very, very promising!! With him as the last one joining the production process it seems th...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:04:00 PST

Update on the new album - update voor de nieuwe cd

Vocals for "Fallen Sanctuary" done! We're glad to announce that our singer Georg has finished his sessions with EDENBRIDGE's mastermind Lanvall! They really worked hard on some very special, huge choi...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:51:00 PST

Good news & some bad - Goed nieuws & een beetje slecht nieuws

Many good news & some bad news Time marches on, and half of February has passed ... so it's on us to inform you about the most recent events in our extraordinary lifes;)!! In late January our good...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:06:00 PST

Prog Power UK cancelled - Prog Power UK afgelast

Prog Power UK cancelled!!! Hi there! Bad news for SERENITY and all fans in the UK! Prog Power UK is cancelled! We are very sad about that and hope that we'll come back to the UK as soon as poss...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:25:00 PST


Hi everybody! Some problems have changed our plan to record the vocals in Germany. So we had to make a new plan;) Our friend Lanvall (EDENBRIDGE) will now produce the vocals and we're looking f...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:54:00 PST

Review of "Words Untold & Dreams Unlived"

Review by Govert Krul for Progwereld The Dutch version can be found at: De Nederlandse versie kan je vinden op: Serenity - Words Untold & Dream...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:52:00 PST

Its been a synthesized mayhem! / Het is een samengevoegd zootje

  Latest news from the Serenity camp: keyboard recordings are done!...and Oliver Philipps (EVERON) has already started orchestration recordings, we're looking forward to his first samples which s...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:39:00 PST

Rock Hard Spain and Prog Power USA / Rock Hard Spanje en Prog Power USA

Hi there! Good news for SERENITY! "Words Untold & Dreams" unlived was voted for one of the best albums 2007 in Spanish Rock Hard!!! We are looking forward to tour Spain again and say "THANK Y...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 01:12:00 PST

Bass recordings to happen this weekend / Bas opnames dit weekend

  Now it's on Simon to bring the deeeep frequencies on our new record to life! He will start today working on his parts in Jan's studio in Munich - maybe he once again will use those  black ...
Posted by SerenityNetherlands on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 07:39:00 PST