-B- profile picture


Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize

About Me

hmmm.. I like to create .. I'm interested in strange metaphysical musings I like to talk about what goes on while I'm asleep I'm addicted to music and black pens .. and my canon rebel .Here's some of my artwork for sale if you feel so inclined..

Buy Handmade
Lucychromosome.............................................. .............................................. --------------------------------------- You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

CURRENT MOON about the moonmost importantly the psyche...(dreams) .....uh surrealism, abstract expressionism, kandinsky, derek hess, naoto hattori, androgeny, altered books, graffiti, stream of consciousness, camille rose garcia, animals, water and being naked at the same time, 1959 chevy el camino, tattoos, japan, Latin America, photography, casteneda, double drumming, jung, vida, toltec philosophy, 2-wheels and trains, organic comida, this really cute rabbit :) screening of the silk, matta,alex grey, EMEK, Mear 1, kahlo, blake, as the french would say MANGE... transpersonal psych, art therapy, feathers, DaDa, esquisite corpse jose parla.................................... ....... .i suggest you... . .. . . .. click .......................LUCYCHROMOSOME'sDEVIANTARTPAGINA

I'd like to meet:

observers. .. creative.-types who are willing to collaborate. share. input, just be themselves... not worry about a damn genre or style... someone with a history of handmaking a book ...like william blake's reincarnation.
more animals


I am pretty tolerant of everything ....in fact I think I have yet to explore the entire realm of music.....predominantly soundgarden, tool, a perfect circle, beatles, deadboy and the elephantmen, the black angels, the gossip, deadbolt, acid bath, jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, thrice, nin, thc, system of a down, kidneytheives, modest mouse, bitch and animal, carlos nakai, thrice, mars volta, le tigre, bikini kill, fear factory, white stripes, neko case, rage, the distillers, toadies, blackalicious, stabbing westward, at the drive in, aerosmith, saul williams, black sabbath, hive, vallejo, bikini kill, tiger army, the tea party, shadows fall, deftones, candlebox, lauryn hill, RHCP, the new pornographers, dj cheb i sabbah, bush, santana, pearl jam, bob marley, pink floyd, soak, creedence, apocalyptica, switchblade symphony, butthole surfers, agents of obilvion, Brown wHornet, headderess, Sun ra,.. width="425" height="350">.. .. .. .. .. ..


waking life. matrix trilogy. tim burton movies. girlinterrupted. the shining. neverending story. evil dead 1-2 /army of darkness. ace ventura. v for vendetta. children of men. Nausica:Valley of the wind. From Dusk til Dawn


I like cartoon network and comedy central and some nice social satire. Futurama!! ...nature documentaries, rockos modern life, daria, drawn together, xena (thankstojordan:)..


brave new world, doors of perception, the art of dreaming, any jung, castaneda, anything world religion, lies my teacher told me, alice in wonderland, house of leaves, "the last generation"-cherie moraga


truth-speakers and seekers.

My Blog

why I am this way. (saturn)

yes it really seems there is an explanation to my itchiness.. just in time too... my PNCA M.F.A. application has arrived.. Many of us approach our thirtieth birthdays with anxiety, even dread. We sta...
Posted by -B- on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 07:25:00 PST

lobster and taking a road trip

my god.. my parents just flew in from new hampshire. They were in Maine for a week. They brought an ice chest full of lobster.. STILL ALIVE>> I just boiled them an ate them. My only experience is with...
Posted by -B- on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 08:22:00 PST

in threes

(for those who have been here before. i will see someone else I love feel this before the year is over)for what if these worlds did not exist..would we have collided... purple mess..   ...
Posted by -B- on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 11:59:00 PST

accident prone..

my job has been stressing me out.. we have no people to work.. . it's like walking into the seventh circle of hell.. . so because of a dull knife . I almost cut a piece of my thumb off yesterday.. y...
Posted by -B- on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 11:06:00 PST

politics as usual

Politics has always and will always be a charade to me of marketing schemes.. psychological tricks... learning the tricks of behaviorism will show you that soon enough...   so I watched Obam...
Posted by -B- on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:20:00 PST

the evolution of consciousness?

ok well first .. you should probably read this.. http://gatelessgate.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/the-rebellious- spirit-of-man/">888and if you don't want to have the time I will summarize.. apparantly 8/8...
Posted by -B- on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:51:00 PST

zombie apocalypse?

I dreamnt about it.. . I mean... really if people started turning into them.. nobody would be safe.. I killed small children zombies with a butter knife.. it was sick.. I watched a dog eat someon...
Posted by -B- on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 08:31:00 PST

sitting on your ass and other adventures....

sweet jesus it rained today.. (I love how not capitalizing jesus makes your spell check come on) I have found that I will not be going to Costa Rica.. . which I think is great.. why... . I think...
Posted by -B- on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 08:01:00 PST

going to be a 26er

yep I am advancing my wiseness and stupidity in years.. . I am not going to do shit really. I will be at the lake the weekend before .. Buchannan to be exact if you want to come out on Saturday let me...
Posted by -B- on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 07:00:00 PST

oh super geek love. . it’s the tek republic

so well TEK REPUBLIC this will explain my happiness... that is if you love arcades as much as i do...
Posted by -B- on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 08:19:00 PST