VINYL RECORDS..45Z 33ZZ 10Z 20 Z FUNK....REGGAHMAN JAH love......dubDiscos.....deep..... H o u S e m U S i c........ roots.dub.. hip hop Funk y disco P e o p l e w/ originality .. creativethinkers... off thier rockers ....Convicts drugdealers..... coyotez........mInorItYs... mescaleros ...Everyday worriors The Natives......People who Fight the Power...
M Y C R E A T O R... M Y I N S P I R A T I O N S M Y S O U L M A T E S
Johnny Cash,James Brown, Chakakahn,Herbie Hancock,Whodini,Parlament, El Chicano,W A R,C C R,PINK FLOYD , The doors.Greatful dead H E N D R i X,janis, Common.. Del.. Mystic Journerymen. Nas.Safirr.Guru frm Gs.Talib n mos Blackstarr. C H O C OL A T E S T A R R , dA FUNK TION,mARLEYZ, S U I C D A L T E N D E N C I E S , O D D MAN OUT,mISFITS,LOVENROCKETS, E p m d,CHUBROCK, SPECIAL ED,N. W .A, SAFFIR The Saucy Nomad BIGDADDYKANE,eRICB RAKKIM ,KRS ONER.D J S C R e W MOBBDEEP,SOULS OF MISCHIEF, DEL,BLACKSHEEP.,saigon,E40.2short.dre n snoop eminem,artson/j.r.Bootsy.Any Chachi cd.any Kwai le chef cd 2PAC,BIGGIE,MYSTIC JOURNEYMEN, BUSDRIVER,ROOTS,BATTLEAXE,2mex HOUSE.....DocMartin,Garth ,Jeno,T H O M A S , S P U N , The whole Dallas House Movement , M V M records, Smartbeat sound,Anything dirty..OLD AND NU disco, NATIVESF
YES...sk8 movies d O c U M e n t r y z......
My daughter... My son Joaquin My Kin folk..My mom and pops...Lil bro...People who do good n this world...My hina...the sun... the moon the earth the stars