carley â„¢ profile picture

carley â„¢

Get ya flipflops and fuck off!

About Me

where do i start? time for a refresh of profillia as the last one had clearly ran its course!! i'm Carley, sometimes known as kack, jones, or jonesy.i'm currently a construction recruitment consultant dealing with posh gets daily! I love my job most of the time although i do wish i was a vet. i love drinking wine although it wipes my memory completely and if you know me you know how bad my memory already is! i also love sports, clubbin, holidays, keeping busy, animals, road trips to manc and leeds etc, buying nice things, eating nice food, going for meals, bit obsessed with abercrombie clothes, women, all the soft stuff - cuddles, quiet nights in, walks along the beach ... blah blah blah...few things that niggle me would be really bad imatureity, wannabes, 2 facedness, liars, people that smell and dont know when to wesh, dole rats, and people that hate seeing others doing well, but of course ...i'm no angel either... i've made a few mistakes in my life which ...yes i do regret but if everyones honest ...we all have...the difference is mistakes were a bit stupid and often influenced by others but have taught me so much about myself and they've made me stronger and who i am today by learning from them and of course the same mistakes certainly wont be made again so ...glad i've got them out of the way to be honest. People can gossip all they want about me, they often do...but i sit back and laugh when their mates tell me behind their backs etc...I have my haters, whom i love really - most tend to be jealous bastards, or people who cannot take rejection..but honestly...i couldnt give a fuck...however.. i've got alot of great mates although over the past few years i've came to realise who my real genuine mates are, a select few, some i dont see much as there quite settled, but i know there always there for me, i'll always be there for them and will continue to be there until the end and i love you people to bits!! xxxx end of rant !!! xxxx
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My Interests


saw, minority report, snatch


oldish pics:


New friends / old friends / cats : ( i havent finished this yet if your missing)

My Blog

bit drunk!

you know what really anoys me? when u write a major blog on here...then press cancel by accent and it wipes the whole lot out!! i am livid!!! argh! right, after a tiresome day.....firstly started by b...
Posted by carley " on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:26:00 PST

time for a new blog

yes, the time has come for a new entry of the blog variety! i am currently and have been for the past week full of that shite bird flu and i'm totally sick to death with it, its probably got something...
Posted by carley " on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:47:00 PST

makosi's kittens !!!

finally they have arrived!! had the most raumatic day today and yest thank god i was joined by jo von and kerrie otherwise i wouldnt have known what to do! she had 3 then we thought that was l...
Posted by carley " on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:15:00 PST


well ive finally joined this my space thing after being hasseled by certain peeps!! no names mentioned! x
Posted by carley " on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 03:53:00 PST