Drewpreme Reigns Supreme profile picture

Drewpreme Reigns Supreme

It is what it is and that's all it's gonna be...

About Me

Created with mySpace Profile Editor
So what can I say about me? I'm just a big man in the big city...

Who's always serving it up well...
Whether it's drinks

Or stacks of wax like flapjacks...

Who likes to spends time holding it down with the crew...


My Interests

Family, friends, football (playing and watching), cold beers & hot meals, kicks & fresh wears, inflicting my opinion on people, seeing the demise of Isiah Thomas although I love the Knicks, rocking a power nap, relations, idle conversation, slapping someone silly, and seeing how this country will bounce back from the cluster fuck its become...


Amy Winehouse hasn't been able to shake my iPod, car, in the crib, or at work. I'm torn between her being the female version of me and relationships with the opposite sex, or she's just the voice every crazy b*tch I've dated.


"A Soldier Story", "Spook Who Sat Beside The Door", "40-Year Old Virgin", "Bingo Long's Traveling All-Stars", "The Great White Hope", "Purple Rain","The Godfather Trilogy", "Hoodlum", "Under The Cherry Moon", "The Temptations", "Countryman", "The Lunatic", "Remember The Titans", "Paid In Full", "Killa Season" (yeah I said it!), "Beat Street", "Wildstyle", "Old School", etc...
I'm resuming my completion of the "AFI's Top 100 American Films". Got about 40+ down almost halfway there.


"The Wire", "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", "30 Rock", "My Name Is Earl", "The Office", "The Brak Show", "The Venture Brothers", Knicks Basketball on MSG, and cracked out on the couch watching NFL games on Sunday (GO JETS!)


Anything by Walter Moseley, "Graffiti NYC" by, Hugo Martinez, any worthwhile book documenting the New York & Hip-Hop that I used to know and still love...


My old man - aka "The Mayor of Blair Drive", aka "Black Confucius", aka "OG Big Dave from Liberty Ave", aka... actually he has more aka's then a Wu member in 1996.
Also Jackie Robinson, Hannibal Barca, Kenneth McGriff, and for the 2007 MLB Season - BARRY BONDS!!!

My Blog

Welcome to my space on My Space...

Allow myself to introduce myself... I'll actually work to keep this place interesting. Its a good forum for my ranting and raving... I'll be able to type better in a few days I'm recovering from a ...
Posted by Drewpreme Reigns Supreme on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 06:39:00 PST