shuhui profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Me aR..a norMal peRson lOr..(hAha)..NOw seC 2 haHa..i liKe To eAt a lOt oF sweEt Haha..LikE mY faMily anD frIends...LiKes To plAy neTball,comPuter,wAtch tV,onliNe chaTting anD maNy moRe lOr..heHe.WhEn i noThing to dO i wiLl waTch Tv,pLay mY hP,liSten To muSic,plaY comPuter..eTc..hahA..HaTe pPl wHo alwAys naG..hehE..

My Interests

~Playing Netball, Computer~.....

I'd like to meet:

~Meet aR..erM..5566 oR F4 If poSsible (hAha)~Of couRse mY pRi scH frIends...(hEhe)And anYone whO wanT tO Be frIend wiTh mE lOr...


~5566+K1songs, Vanness songs, Zhang Shao Han-yu yan, Cyndi-ai ni, Jolin,ocean ou de yang and many more~


*Westside story, Shao Nian Ah Hu And Many More...*


{WestsiDe story comic}