t|nG profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

According to those bulky horoscope reference, Taurus are stubborn and strong headed. Admit to the first one. School realli.... **** sometimes i may tend to love reading.. but that's excluding textbooks of course.. Er... but u haf to see where ur interest is in.. For example, i may jus love readin on my Law lecture notes.. :P Unbelievable.. I noe...Love is a great thing. But loving someone when he doesn't know about you might not be soooo great.... Nobody understands anyway..Some this it's silly.. some thinks my patience are amazing.. While most of them doesn't know i have this part of me.. Like "someone", i think the feelin of AN LIAN is ... *wink wink*I love my frens.. !! Those who are with me now.. and those who are with me in the past.. No matter past, present or future.. they're still my frens.. and i wan to treasure them for as long as i can.. To add one more thing.. I've came to know lots of frens thru "Him".. (Think some of you might noe who he is) and i especially treasure this kind of friendship.. They haf been with me thru craziness, tears and laughter.. Thanks for being with me.. !Likes to dress simple and puts on make-up only when I have to. For example, got real dark circles or pimples popping out.. Concealer is a good invention.

My Interests

Dancing & hoping to learn all sorts of dance one day.. Er.. Excluding those chinese/opera dances :X Reading..Esp. novels.. School books?? Had enough of that! Enjoying music... Like F4's..and also some special ones...U might never know.. Watching drama series.. Esp Meteor Garden.. They're e best anyone can find.. Blading.. That's the only sports I ever enjoy.. N.... I'm not sure... Fill up when I think of more..

I'd like to meet:

http://lyzting.diaryland.com/ -- interested? go on.. if not..LEAVE ME ALONE!--jus in a state tt i wish to be alone now...


Pop. Hip-hop??? Er.. aLL of F4's.. Esp, I really love you, Seasons of Fireworks.. and etc.. N of course.. the best album in the century.. Jerry For You.....!!


Lotsa.... Recently watched MEANgirls.. Great movie.. And of course, Meteor Garden I and II. Love scar.. Love Storm.. At the dolphin Bay, The Outsiders, Ma La Xian Shi.. N etc etc


Wo Ruo Quan's, Yi Shu's, Judith Mcnaught, Sidney Sheldon....Etc..


¦°...one n onli..

My Blog

Stupid me

want to know why i'm jus pure stupid..? CLICK HERE~
Posted by t|nG on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wad i'm doing~~?

argghh..those stupid exams are coming again..and "he" is coming again... seems like i haf seen him for alot of times this yr....in SG n Taiwan.. but also seems like it's never enuff... Hope dates won'...
Posted by t|nG on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST