"The universe is a practical joke of the general, at the expense of the particular." - A. Crowley
Visionaries, artists, philosophers, musicians, iconoclasts, explorers, geniuses of every variety (except the "evil genius" variety), yogis and yoginis -- especially yoginis ;-) -- and generally everyone who has the clarity or depth
or vision or courage or brilliance or passion or compassion or just plain insanity to see past or through or beyond the banal, ordinary, and boringly normal.
This might say it better:
I'd especially like to meet everyone else who understands this, however you came to understand it:
As to what I listen to, anything and everything with more perceptual or lyrical depth than pop, hip-hop or country; the more visionary, psychedelic and progressive the better. As to what I play and compose, my last three bands have been almost exclusively math rock. (I play bass, hand percussion and sitar.) Also, my job right now is writing pro audio recording / mixing / effects / processing software... and other toys for musicians.
While I appreciate the audio-visual artistry of some things that I don't think are especially good cinema, and I appreciate the literary value and social intelligence of anything that genuinely displays them, the movies I count among my all-time favorites are typically the ones which are philosophically deep and ripe with metaphor. The Matrix and I [heart] Huckabees, to name two.
rots your brain. I have better things to do with my time.
Too damn many, I'm realizing as I set about unpacking the 2000 or so volumes I've transported to my new apartment...
All those who have awakened from this dream while still living, or at least become lucid within it--especially the ones who just speak their truth directly without feeling the need to clothe it in the language of myth or tradition. And, more simply but no less profoundly, all those who do a good job of loving others and loving life, and making this world a better place.