Fred McDowell, Modern paintings, Louisville TN & KY, KC MO, Offset printing, Aiko Aiko, the movie Caligula playing for free in a short lived Italian restaurant that also features an open bar in Williamsburg of Fall 2002.
I'd like to meet:
Capo Jim Jones
A song that starts out light and atmospheric. tension builds. heavy rhythm and low end suddenly explode in the mix. love and pain are expressed, emotions are laid bare and naked. the rhythm carries the music to a great climax. each person who hears it takes something different from it, but what each person sees is a thing of beauty.
a lot of seemingly unrelated events affect the lives of seemingly unrelated people in profound ways, and as the relationships between these events and these people are revealed, so is the singular higher power that drives their lives. the discrete relationships between these people and these events become less important; differentiation is discarded in favor of unity.