Any form of art that has not been corrupted or crucified by corporate America.
I finally met Joan Jett, so no need to ask her to beat up a pop princess of her choice, so-I would liked to have met Eve, only to find out what REALLY happened that day in the Garden. Finally, I would liked to have met Joe Strummer, for being the man who said the following..." I was growing up, I assumed that authority was inherently grounded in wisdom. Instead, I have discovered that authority is rooted in control..." I wish artists today cared more about things like this...
From Jeff Buckley to The Sword...from Johnny Cash to Pearl Jam...From Fugazi to Pachebela...David Bowie to Interpol...Blondie to Tegan and Sara...Basically, music that isn't processed like cheese and sold to the masses.
Suburbia- The REAL Version,The Decline of Western Civilization, Say Anything(John C. Rules),Over the Edge, Almost Famous, 3 O'clock High, Most Documentaries that dont make it to Television...
The Young Ones, Seinfeld, Headbangers Ball, David Letterman, Saturday Night Live Law and Order SVU,Entourage, Hardball w/Chris Matthews, The Daily Show...
Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee, Watership Down, Anything by Johnathan Carroll, The Collective Works of Anne Sexton, Where White Men Fear to Tread(the autobiography of Russell Means), Indian Killer, The History of the United States(Howard Zinn), Cry to Heaven, Perfume, Race in America(Cornel West), The Motorcycle Diaries,Confederacy of Dunces, ...and The Band Played name a few
My Grandmother Sara(RIP), My Father, My sister Sandra, SINGLE MOTHERS EVERYWHERE!, Anne Sexton. Johnny Cash. Drummers that do not suck!The Clash. Anyone who is involved in the war against poverty or AIDS. Leonard Peltierre, Chuck D/Public Enemy, Independant Radio, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Cesar Chaves, the Chicano Liberation Youth movement, Los Four, The Anti Defamation League, American Indian Movement, NAACP, Muhammed Ali