"peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour profile picture

"peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour

im perceiving u as a happy person-so stop b!tching!

About Me

Save a Life: Get This Code!so, i was on the phone with my dear friend, adrian and he "suggested" that i should change my about me blurb thingy because the old one just isnt enough of an attention grabber. lol. so the old profile = boring and i dunno yet abt the new one.... apparently im supposed to bullsh!t something in order to seem ineresting..... gosh i hoped i was interesting without the aid of bs but guess not! lol. wow, reading this ud think im pissed or something but im really not. i just said id change my profile tonight and now i have. soooo ummmmmm abt me....gosh... well, im studying quantum physics but i havent even gotten into any physics classes yet. oh wait, physics does not = fun. damn, lets try something else. hmmm i go to alot of concerts, and those r fun. very fun.... feel free to hit me up if u want to share concert stories. ya know what? me neither but i hope to meet him someday. newayz heres a list of things i find interesting at the moment: guys (hehe), anime, movies, fast cars, concerts/bands, myspace (no sh!t), music (i couldnt live w/o it), my loving friends (couldnt live w/o them either), quantum physics, math, video games, and stuff i cant think of rt now.well, i understand that this is BORING but at least i changed the abt me blurb thingy like i promised. woot woot. ill have to change it again later oh yea, if u wanna chat on yahoo, my im is dragon_bixie. hope to hear from u! oh yea, id greatly appreciate it if u would NOT send pornographic e-mails or offlines. i had this in my old prof but didnt think it was needed anymore
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My Interests

This is about California legislation being passed to exterminate pit bulls. If it passes in California, it could be on its way to other states. Someone has to try to make a difference...what if it were your pet? It would be great if Myspace could be used for something good other than getting dates. Please pass the word along and post this so as many people can see this as possible.

This has to be stopped.i like to read, hang out with my friends, watch movies, draw, and just chill out. oh, and i really like video games too!

I'd like to meet:

friends, and maybe some dates...
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com


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i really like scary movies and action movies. i like movies with alot of fast moving martial arts. i really dont like predictability in movies. it really bothers me when i go to a movie and i can talk along to it because it is so predictable.


i dont care much for television. i only watch it for cartoons and anime. i love the simpsons! homer is the greatest!


i like scary books and sci-fi stuff. i also like reading about quantum physics and outer space. yea, i know that sounds geeky.


my heroes are my grandmother and my grandfather. she was the strongest person i ever knew. she didnt give up her fight until the day she died. my grandfather was a very stubborn man that literally lived for my grandmother. i learned from them that the secret to a happy marriage is learning how to turn off your hearing aid!

My Blog


What is the ultimate paradox?  I would say that maybe it is love/hate.  Love is Everything.  Hate is nothing that consumes the Everything, devouring and tainting it.    ...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:39:00 PST

some (weird) poetry written by me (wow)

The DarknessMy reverberating heartbeatObscures hearingAs I step through the doorwayInto a dark dimension.Figures swirl about;Dancing to a morbid melody,Singing in unheard tongues,And laughing in sor...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 04:52:00 PST

leave me voicemails biotches!

" />Get Your Own Voice PlayerManage...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 06:07:00 PST

wow, creepily correct!

so i was trying to learn some new ways to read the cards and in order to do that i had to come up with some questions and let the computer read the tarot cards according to the "spread" i picked. ...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:27:00 PST

somewhere else tavern this friday ppl!!!!

there will b a ROCKIN concert on the 30th.  be there and say hey and tell me what u think of my new piercing.....i wonder if im spelling that rt.....well, ill talk to u when i see u there. &...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 04:26:00 PST

u might like these questions

so i was looking around online and found another taryn.  here are some questions she posted and i wanted to know what ur answers are for me.  though im kinda afraid to see what some ppl may ...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Wed, 24 May 2006 08:50:00 PST


this past saturday i went to the perfect lie cd release party.  they were awesome!!! concrete theory went on first and they were wonderful as well.  concrete theory sounds better t...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Mon, 01 May 2006 10:30:00 PST

IMPORTANT (just updated)~another update

well, last night i got to see my mom and sleep in my own bed for the first time in a while.  ive been over at my friends house (u know who u r) and i havent really been able to talk to her. ...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:26:00 PST

i have a new cousin!!

my uncle's girlfriend delivered an 8 pound 11 ounce baby boy (OUCH) at 7:08 this morning.  his name is antwain and he has one blue eye and one brown.  its their first child and the whol...
Posted by "peace is just 2 fingers now"-stone sour on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 03:19:00 PST