This is *Daisy Chain Girl* a taste of whats to come... A beautiful hippy rough live version of me singing *Daisy Chain Girl* Your Love it.
Please click and listen and tell me what you think :D Would mean alot to me.Thank youX
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layout by ärriel ©
I have finally found myself :D
But its not my right to force my own beliefs on any of you. I'm only an observor a guide. This is what my beliefs are and what worked for me. What works for you could be something totally different.there is no wrong way. We are all learning. Just in different ways and at different times. So I embrace what ever happens in my life. And say thank you.I know this cause I love myself and i'm inlove with myself and everyone and everything that lives and breathes and is all around us. I have never felt so happy in all my life that I can remember. I dont believe in anything negative anymore.
I just believe in love and light and being posertive.
What you choose to believe in becomes part of your life and world and you will attract others just like you. I believe there is no evil or negativity in this world or this life or inside of me or anyone else that I come in contact with. So now I'm attracted by others who are just like me.
I meditae every morning. I do yoga and keep fit inside and out. I have sorted out films and music cause I dont want anything influencing me to be negative in any way shape or form.
I am writing with love and light in my heart and soul and I have even made my first meditation of which I need to still develop on and find the right music to enhance its abillities.
If only everyone used it for love and light and healing and happiness and joy and fun and kindness and caring. Then this world would be a better place and everyone in it would be too.
I will always try and better myself in every way I can.
I believe to judge others you are simply judging yourself
I believe *Think before you speak* really works
I believe the people we meet in our lives are mirrors of ourselves. our pasts our presents our future. We meet everyone for a reason and this reason is to learn. We learn from the old and the young and new. I believe people that come into our lives we ask for to learn by it.
Everything that happends for a reason,
I have learnt so much from my daughter and my dada I am truely thankful. And I have learnt from everyone else that came into my life. And I have learnt from myself too. And again I am truely thankful for this.
I dont wear braclets anymore or rings cause i feel they bound me. If I do wear a braclet then its not a full circle like the one i am wearing now that my dadda bought me. I am not bound to life and life is not bound from me so now I am free to live my life and free for life to come to me.
I'm so alive and happy and glowing that I woke up at 6am this morning with a spring in my step. I did my meditation and my yoga had some breakfast and a bath and got ready. I made up a song called *I love your soul* I made my own meditation. And I feel fabulous :D
I also believe we create our own destany and the life we lead and live. So if you believe you are lonely and sad then you will be. I believe we are the only ones who create the negativity and darkness. I believe none of this exzists. And cause I believe this and only in love and light and happiness I will lead and live that life.
I believe I still have alot to learn and i cant wait. and as soon as i have learnt all there is in this life I'll go on to another.
Also believe we cant help others too much we can guide and give advice but how will they learn if you healp them. Infact it takes them longer to learn. They can only learn about life them selves, they can only help them selves.
I want to write a book about what i have learnt.
As for my music. the songs you hear are old and from my past that was negative and unhappy. But now I dont feel that way at all. So I will put up new songs a.s.a.p.
I love you all
please take care and believe in yourselves and your dreams
love and light