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SISSOKO-LET THE MUSIC TAKE CONTROL(WARNER MUSIC FRANCE)Alex Giunta,Giordano Donati,Claudio Coveri sono i tre fautori del progetto Sissoko. Dopo diverse produzioni, accompagnate da notevoli successi sia in Italia che all’estero durante gli anni novanta,nel 2003 nasce la prima produzione dei Sissoko,la mitica “Let the music take control”. Presentata direttamente alla Warner France che decide di acquisirne i diritti,la canzone presto diventa in giro di pochi mesi una hit nel mercato francese. Dopo qualche mese il brano viene licenziato in 28 paesi in tutto il mondo….un tormentone dance che presto diventera’ un cosiddetto “classico”. E’ da poco la notizia che la “Warner- Universal France ha acquistato i diritti per la ristampa dei vinili e dei cd singoli. Nell’arco degli anni il brano viene inserito in oltre 70 compilation,il brano continua ad essere suonato nelle discoteche piu’ trandy di tutto il mondo…un successo infinito. Nel 2004 il follow up dei Sissoko nasce all’insegno dell’attesa..finalmente arriva “Believe”un'altra traccia fortunata,l’attesa viene ripagata dalle numerose vendite del singolo e delle recensioni positive dei migliori deejays , Believe viene licenziato in una decina di paesi,arriva al quinto posto della classifica di vendita della Dance Directory,i ragazzi hanno colpito ancora…. Nel 2005 con la Time Records (Rise) ,viene pubblicato il progetto “Lovehouse” con “Music don’t stop” che entra nelle playlist dei piu’ noti deejays in UK,suonato in quell’estate nelle discoteche piu’ “in” a Ibiza e Mikonos. • In quell’anno viene commissionato ai Sissoko il remix del brano di Angunn “Time flies by”, sonorita’ splendide ,accattivanti ,rendono se possibile ancora piu’ bello il brano originale,notevoli saranno gli apprezzamenti della critica.Il remix raggiunge la ventesima posizione nella classifica dance club francese. • Nel 2006 altro remix altro capovaloro su Nitelite (Doityourself) esce la versione dei Sissoko di House Divas feat Barbara Tucker • Nell estate dello stesso anno con la Time Records, i Sissoko producono “My passion” con la denominazione “C-side” ,il brano ,con un coinvolgente giro di tromba,diventa una hit estiva in Grecia e in tutto l’ Est Europeo. • Nel 2007 la prima produzione con la Egomusic,”Souldivision” con il brano “I can’t love anymore”che regala non poche soddisfazioni, entrando nelle classifiche di vendita e realizzando una decina di compilation. • Poco prima dell’estate dello stesso anno ecco pronto ,sempre con la Ego,l’ultima in ordine di tempo delle uscite dei “Sissoko”….”Flying to Namibia”.Le sonorita’ tribali uniti ai suoni elettro,con le varie versioni, riescono a far breccia un po’ ovunque nel mondo.Numerosi sono i feedback positivi che arrivano dall’Inghilterra,le migliori radio Inglesi e i piu’ famosi deejays inseriscono “Flying to namibia “ nelle loro playlist, anche oltre oceano si accorgono della potenzialita’ del singolo,tant’e’ che la Nervous Record americana lo inserisce nella sua ultima compilation,ed e’ ultima notizia che la track sara’ presente in una compilation di una famosa label di Miami . • Ma non e’ finita qui….i Sissoko sono sempre attivi,all’inizio del mese di marzo 2008 e’ previsto l’uscita in Francia di un nuovo progetto. • “Skyline” con “Everybody”,si chiama cosi’ l’ultimo lavoro per l’Airplayrecords France,costola dance della Universal France,il brano cantato da Jimi Polo,sembra promettere bene,a breve ne sentiremo parlare …..sicuramente…,cosi’ come sentiremo presto nuove sonorita’ calde per l’estate 2008,un vero e proprio tormentone e’ pronto per fare alzare al cielo le mani di tutti gli amanti della musica house… ibiza !! ibiza!! ibiza!!

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Member Since: 9/27/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Alessandro Giunta (Deejay & Producer) Claudio Coveri (Deejay & Producer) Giordano Donati (Manager & Producer)
Influences: Alex Giunta (deejay), Giordano Donati (manager & Producer), Claudio Coveri (deejay) are the producers of the listed projects which, in few years, have turned into hits and parts of the world house music elite. Alex Giunta is the resident deejay at “Classic local Club”, house music club in Riccione; he plays music in some of the most important house music clubs like Kremlin in Lisbona, Queen in Paris, as well as at the most trendy clubs on the Adriatic Coast. Claudio Coveri is the resident deejay at Saute'Club in Rimini, and in the course of the years he has played, always as resident deejay, at the most famous and cool clubs along the lively Adriatic Coast like “Pasha' and Prince in Riccione, Embassy in Rimini and also at Ugly Club in Zurich (CH). Alex Giunta,Giordano Donati,Claudio Coveri are the three founders of Sissoko project. After several productions which immediately turned into success both in Italy and in Europe during 90s, in 2003 came out the first production of Sissoko, the famous “Let the music take control”. It is presented to Warner France directly, who decided to acquire the royalties; it immediately becomes a hit on the French market. After few months the song is licensed in 28 countries all over the world ….a dance hit to become the said “classic”. Recently Warner- Universal France has acquired the copyright to print again the vinyl and single cds. In all these years the song has been inserted in more than 70 compilations; still now it is played in the trendiest discos all over the world….. a never-ending success. In 2004 the long-awaited follow up of Sissoko ..Finally comes out “Believe”, another lucky trace; it came up to everybody’s the expectations by numerous sales of the single and by the positive comments of the best deejays. “Believe” is licensed in about ten countries, it reaches the fifth place on the Dance Directory, Sissoko guys hit the target… In 2005 through Time Records (Rise), comes out the “Lovehouse” Project with “Music don’t stop” ; it enters the play lists of most famous deejays in UK; in those summer it is played in the most “in” discos in Ibiza and Mikonos. • In the same year Sissoko are requested to remix “Time flies by” by Anguun, excellent and splendid sonorities that make even more beautiful the original song and get positive comments from the reviews. The remix reaches the 20th position on the French dance club classification • in 2006 another remix and another masterpiece on Nitelite (Doityourself); the Sissoko version of House Divas feat. Barbara Tucker • In the summer on the same year with Time Records, Sissoko produce “My passion” under “C-side” ; thanks to overwhelming trumpets it turns into a summer hit in Greece and East Europe. • In 2007 the first production of Egomusic,”Soul division” with the song “I can’t love anymore” that gives lot of satisfaction to the trio, by entering the sales classification and about ten of compilations • Before the summer of the same year under Ego label, here’s ”Flying to Namibia”.Tribal sonorities together with electro sounds under different We list here under the most important and successful productions of the team: 1)SISSOKO “let the music take control”(NSB-WARNER FRANCE) in 2003 Hit in Italy It has been fired in 28 Countries , 5 clubs in Italy, 10 clubs in France, 6 clubs in Spain and 5 clubs in Canada……. More than 70 compilations sold worldwide; latest issue in the CD of Club Eldivino in Ibiza in October 2006. 2) SISSOKO “Believe”(NITELITE) in 2004 It has been fired in 15 Countries, n. 5 charges in sales, dance directory for 5 weeks in Italy, more than 15 compilations (hit mania dance champion 2004) 3) LOVEHOUSE “Music don’t stop”(RISE REC) in 2005 The song has been in the play lists of the most important deejays in UK, and played in the most cool clubs in Ibiza and Mikonos 4)ANGUNN “Time flies by” SISSOKO Remix(NSB-WARNER) 20 clubs in France 5)Sissoko-Sunrise song (NITELITE) 6) C-Side-My passion(TIME) 7)Soul Division Ft Vanessa jay-I Can't Love Anymore (EGO) “They are back, finally“. After several productions of remixes, they are back on the musical stage with a new, explosive single “Flying to Namibia”.(EGO) Alex Giunta, Giordano Donati, Claudio Coveri find the right feeling with rhythmic, overwhelming and tribal effects, summer sonorities, to let the soul of people loving house music vibe. The vinyl used up during summertime 2003 with one of the most famous club anthem of that time “Let the music take control” will be repeated with an incredible powered “Flying to Namibia”. The 3 deejays and producers, who are still playing in the most well-known discos along the Adriatic Coast, give their best also with this song………… making people flying on the top of the world................................
Sounds Like: For info e contact : E mail: [email protected] Mobile: +39 393 6513546,+39 329 4199387
Record Label: Warner France-The Saifam -Universal France-Spain
Type of Label: Indie

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Everybody dub mix radio edito by Sissoko - Universal France 2008

Posted by Sissoko on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:08:00 PST

Sissoko - Flying To Namibia - radio edit

Flying To Namibia - radio edit Aggiungi al mio pofilo | Altri video...
Posted by Sissoko on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 05:34:00 PST

Ibiza - MarchesiniFarina rmx

Posted by Sissoko on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:49:00 PST


Posted by Sissoko on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:29:00 PST

Guarda questo video: ibiza

Guarda questo video: ibiza ..Aggiungi al mio profilo | Altri video...
Posted by Sissoko on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:28:00 PST