meggan mischief aka stormin' norman profile picture

meggan mischief aka stormin' norman

it's my cultural obligation to raise the roof on the mother fuckers.

About Me

big eyes and a loud mouth. shy as a butterfly and sometimes lazy as a daisy. insanely boy crazy. having torrid love affair with my vespa. lucky to have what i've got. sneak attack cat naps at the drop of a hat. easily gassy. mischief master mind. debaucherous plan hatcher. notorious kitten lover. awkwardly shy in all matters involving men with facial hair. subscriber to all things fun and hot dog related. strong believer in good clean fun with PBR and many bottles of wine/vodka. a freckle faced know it all if you will.

My Interests

MY '74 VESPA NAMED CAMILLE, buffalo, rabbits, love letters, tee pees, double dares, scooters, falafel, blythe dolls, feathers, european history, reading, camping, mountain men, napping, slumber parties, vespas, illegal fireworks, KITTENS, drunk slap fights, hide and go seek, bunk beds, MOUSTACHES, traveling, knitting, sloths, cross stitching, screen printing, stencil art, HOTDOGS!, playing dress up with charee, long talks about one's favorite animals, pajama parties, drinking beer on kats roof, EATTING CONTESTS. knitting, and sewing. bitches get stitches, fo reals. .

I'd like to meet:

The beautifully simplistic, doe eyed darlings of the world. those interested in seeing the world but are content spending days under the blankets laughing and snoozing with me. fellow knitters, cross stitchers, gigglers. a tender hearted boy with freckles on his fingers. the truely happy. lovers of life. the unjaded. prank phone call makers. illegal firework stashers. those who refuse to grow up in the bad way. honest hearts. unconditional lovers. sweepstakes prize winners. loungers. black eye givers and receivers. people born to sleep and dream. late night texters and even later night phone callers. hand holders. snugglers. doodlers. anyone who still believes in the power of a good love letter. kitten enthusiasts. hot dog ravishers. pen pals. you know, delicious, pretty folk.


THE SONICS.marie laforet, the exploding hearts, mando diao, scene creamers, small faces, james brown, why?, roxy music, THE MAKEUP, the kinks, the mysterians, france gall, james, SERGE GAINSBORG, dinosaur jr, the zombies, the deadly snakes, the raveonetts, blonde redhead, jennifer gentle, jacque dutronc, numbers, interpol, kim & co., the agenda, nick cave and the bad seeds, PULP, lightning bolt, loveletter, YACHT, les 5 gentleman, godspeed! you black emperor , weird war, the aeffect, april march, the velvet underground, wreckless eric.....and so on and so forth.


2046, home alone, DANGER:DIABOLIK, adaptation, waynes world, feminine masculine, the rules of attraction, mrs. doubtfire,contempt, jurasic park


ARRESTED DEVELOPEMENT. rick steves european travels.


ray bradbury, Sartre, salinger, john locke, voltaire, thomas paine, and yes, i admitt it, harry potter has my heart.


michelle mae from the make up and lou reed. i wish he was my dad.

My Blog

you would think....

shaving your pubic hair into the black flag logo would be easy........ guess again amigos. guess again.
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:28:00 PST


that's right assholes, camille is back up and running. as a matter of fact, she's never been better. thanks to one mr. AJ Fosik. i did most of the work though. just in time for salt lake too!! my...
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:07:00 PST

my new years resolution

to ensure people stop thinking this of me:       OH, and to be more brave....
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 10:34:00 PST

the truth of the matter is

Camille Javal: You like all of me? My mouth? My eyes? My nose? And my ears? Paul Javal: Yes, all of you. Camille Javal: Then you love me... totally? Paul Javal: Yes. Totally... tenderly... tragically....
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 03:27:00 PST

homesick for a city i dont live in

so here's the deal.  i ran away to salt lake for a week and didn't return until the very, very last minute.  i cried on the car ride home and have been a glass case of emotions since.  ...
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 01:40:00 PST

ass and titties

halloween is tainted now. why do unclassy women insist on dressing as some sort of slutty this or that? for example: slutty devil slutty witch slutty cop slutty nurse next year i'm planni...
Posted by meggan mischief aka stormin' norman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST