Profile Generator
Yo, I'm Val. And since a while, I rarely come on myspace. But I always check if I have any new message once in a while.
So yeah, you can still send me msg and comment.
Ok. Cool. Talk to you later.
Learning new languages. Cultures. Traveling. Secret War.
Don't care..
From A 2 Z In any language.
Lovely Complex - Live action (cute Japanese movie ^^)
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air The Simpsons
Shopaholic book series;Balzac and the Little chinese Seamstress;Lives of the saint;Night;Cote-des-naigres;Archie and Cie;99 francs;Miserable Miranda;M O R E
Anne Rice and Sophie Kinsella are my favorite author.
Lots of french books:well...duh,I'm french!
All the bassist in the world..
Joey Jordison[Slipknot's drummer]
Will Smith
My brother♥♥♥(I LOVE YOU 4EVER!)
&&& A lot more...
&&&Definitely John Lennon.