I like:
Hamburg ...an dieser Stelle mal ein Moin Moin nach HH und SalzncityIce-cream *yummy* I think I'm addicted to it. The best ice-cream can u get in Switzerland. Trust me, it's soooo good
Garlstorf *lol*, it's my home village, u won't probably know it because there are only 1000 ppl , but everyone knows each other and that's kind of nice
My Latin teacher. He's a little bit strict and weird (...like almost every teacher), but funny even though he tries to be serious.
My cat Ronny
My cousin Chris who really means a lot to me. We grew up together like brother and sister. Btw I don't have any siblings
Mercedes Benz and BMW (tiefer gelegter 3erBMW *lol*) ...hehe, I'm German
I don't like:
Seafood *kotz* Arrogant people who think they are better than everyone else. (I know too many people who act like this.)Stoiber
George W. Bush
Faschismus (ist keine Meinung, sondern ein Verbrechen!)
Ppl who judge others according to their looks
Ppl who think that it's cool to be addicted to drugs
Ppl who don't get it when u are joking even though it's obvious