Truant profile picture


don't start talking to me I haven't been listening

About Me

Johnny lives in South London. He studies English Literature & Language, and isn't above playing the guitar, taking some pictures in his spare time, or talking in the third person to make himself seem more prestigious.
Johnny comperes an open mic night in The Leather Exchange (a pub in SE1) called Pot Luck & Humble Pie. It runs every other Sunday, and it won't cost you a penny to get in. New faces are always welcome, so why not come on over sometime? You can find a link to the profile in Johnny's top friends.

Johnny also writes poetry. You can often find him performing said poems at Y Tuesday - an excellent poetry club in Clerkenwell. Come to that too, it's well worth it. You'll probably be inspired to buy Johnny a pint and a bag of crisps for introducing him to such an invigorating new approach to culture in London. If so, London Pride and a bag of cheese and onion please!

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Poetry, Guitar, Karate


The Smashing Pumpkins, Circa Survive, Now It's Overhead


House of Leaves, Mr Overby is Falling, American Psycho

My Blog

More poetry

Because I feel embarrassed at how little there is up here. Power to the poets!My hands are the wire-cutters thatCould well defuse the world. The timer stalls and stutters As vague threats become unfur...
Posted by Truant on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 05:33:00 PST

Super (poem)

Just a little something for this, American Independence Day. I've not posted poetry in a blog on myspace before, but figured it was time to try and raise my profile as a poet on the London scene. So y...
Posted by Truant on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 05:29:00 PST

From BBC News

"Security tight for pope blessing Security has been tightened in Rome ahead of Pope Benedict XVI's first public appearance since making comments deemed offensive by many Muslims." - Forgive me for bei...
Posted by Truant on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 05:57:00 PST


An ill friend who remains nameless says:my nose is sore  I say:from all the blowin' I'll betAn ill friend who remains nameless says:yeah...I say:hahahaha  read that againAn ill friend who re...
Posted by Truant on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 03:03:00 PST


Tash says:i know it will pain u to do it but please help me find something that i can beat u at?The enemy is the gramophone mind says:menstruating.sorry, sorry........
Posted by Truant on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:50:00 PST


"H says:haz?Getafix and Fidel Capstro says:Guess againH says:cant be u surely?H says:verityGetafix and Fidel Capstro says:Johnny CH says:FUCK" =( I'm not that bad, am I?...
Posted by Truant on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 04:02:00 PST


"--*Sharing Different Heartbeats In One Night*-- how are you? Cap'n J for the win says: not so good - broke my leg. >--*Sharing Different Heartbeats In One Night*-- shit, really? Cap'n J for the win ...
Posted by Truant on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:31:00 PST