ANIMEs,photography,reading,traveling,drawing,video games,surfing the internet,watching movies/TV,listening to the music,hanging out with friends and painting the town red (and other colours too!!haha)
everybody and anybody - open minded and friendly people are most welcome...please understand that i really accept people to be my friends and i care about my friends,a lot!!
my rebellious side prefers heavy stuffs -L'Arc~En~Ciel,my chemical romance,evanescence and my soft side prefers lite n easy stuffs - will all depend on my mood..
i prefer thriller n horror movies,but i watch a lot of romance n comedy movies...i dun mind as long as it is not Star Wars and anything related to the way,I'm a Harry Potter fan!!
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Thanks to ASTRO,now I can watch Travel & Living channel,Astro Animax,MTV,Channel V,BBCE channel and lots of movies...hiahaha
travelling books,self motivation books,novels,magazines,dictionaries,phrase books..anything!! i just love reading...just gimme sumthing to read and i'll read!!
~everyone can be a hero as long as you know how to use your abilities in order to help others~