Dance!! Fashion, Government, Reading, Hanging out w/ Friends, Knitting, and most recently boxing. Make sure to catch me on MTV kicking some ass!
Oprah...I really think that we would be friends.
I pretty much listen to any type of music from hip-hop to showtunes. If it has a good beat and I can dance to it, its ok by me.
Ultimate Fav: Gone with the Wind! I also like Chicago, Big Fish, Finding Neverland, Centerstage, and Pretty Woman
Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy, Reruns of Sex & the City and Friends...and I admit it, I'm a Reality TV junkie. I watch them all!
Harry Potter, Maus, Memoirs of a Geisha, Phillipa Gregory novels and all classics like Gone with the Wind, Count of Monte Cristo, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.