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About Me

I love to love. I am Michelle but I have lots of other names, Mishka, Meshellae, Me, little one...Everyone has a different name for me. It doesn't matter, I am the same person no matter what my name to you may be. I love our earth. I wish everyone would take better care of it. I love my family. I love my friends. My friends are my family. I love music. I love to read. I love to learn. I love helping people. I want to change the world. I am color blind, everyone is the same to me. Everyone is beautiful. I think it is important to be true to ourselves and to stand up for what we believe in. I hope you all know how important you are as individuals, we can all make a difference in this world, you just have to care to and want to. I love marijuana. I love what is from the earth. What is from the earth is of the greatest worth...(ben harper) I love the rain. I love the ocean. I love the sky. I love it when the sun kisses you. I love my brother, he is my heart. I love my daddy. I love my baby turtle, rain ( thank you lo). I love living. Life is amazing and fascinating and beautiful. I love laughing. We only live one time as we are now, why not embrace it. I love sleeping. I love dreaming. I love difference. I love singing at the top of my lungs even though I sound terrible, it doesn't matter. I love la playa. I love my cousin Joolie who is an amazing person, A warrior who has never accepted things for what they are. I love trees. I love flowers (orchids are my favorite)I love clouds. I love thailand. I love poetry. I love pictures.I love red stripe. I love having fun. I love traveling. I love seeing the world.Thank you to everyone in my life because I am lucky to have you. I love to love. I do not hate. What I do not love is our piece of shit president. I do not love those who are selfish and greedy. I do not love those who exploit others to make money for themselves. What goes around comes around. Fuck BuSh! To all those who are suffering, my heart and prayers are with you. It cant go on like this forever.Peace... ..
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My Interests

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You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you awy from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficultYou are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul , Prophet Soul , and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Che Guevara, Johnny Depp, Brandon Boyd, Bob Marley, Jack Johnson, Zach de la Rocha,Ben Harper, Jimi Hendrix, Byork, and Jim Morrison. People who want to help others and change the world! I want to meet Good people!! REAL people... I want to meet people from all over the world, red, yellow, black green, it doesn't matter to me. I love meeting and making new friends. Its all about love. You only live once, it's important to surround yourself with good people.


.. Video code provided by Music Video CodesSoUl CLouD (my Loves),Incubus, U2, Bob Dylan, BeetHoven,Radiohead, Tom Petty, The ROOTS, Hieroglyphics, Rage Against the Machine, Sade, Pink Floyd, Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, Lauryn Hill,Jack Johnson, The Doors, MilEs Davis, JeffersoN StaRshiP, MoOdy BlUeS, SiA, Block Party, a Tribe called Quest, BOB MARLEY, Ben hArpeR, Eric ClApTon, Eryca BadU, Enigma, Nora Jones, The Red hOt ChIlli pEppeRs, Byork, The bEatles, tUpac, The eAgLes, ColDpLay, ToOl, and the list goes on AND on.... anD oN and ON....I LoVe MuSIc. I lOVE MuSiC. I LOvE MuSic. MUsIc iS bEaUtIFuL anD SpIrItual. liftS You uP wHeN You'Re FeEliNg dOwN, SonGs Can BriNg bACk tHe SweEtEsT MemOries. MuSiC bRiNgS BaLancE tO mY wOrLd. MuSic Is SoOtHinG. Music iS iN EverYthing.


Splendor in the Grass, The Beach, Motorcycle Diaries, Blow,Troy, Napoleon Dynomite, Super Troopers, Alice in Wonderland, City of God, Gladiator, Star Wars (all of them), Sleeping Beauty, Edward Scissorhands, Closer, Pirates of the Caribean, Ever After, Farenheit 911, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Crash, Zorro,Wedding Crashers


If I watch tV, whicH iS raRe, It'll be Sailor MooN,The OC and My So-Called Life (I LOVE Jordan Cadalano). I reFuse to Watch the News. There are too many lies and theres hardly anything positive


ThE AlCheMist,The GivIng Tree, The God of small Things, The four agreements.Too many books.. Too many stories. Anything by Carlos Castaneda is amazing... Spiritual journeys are the best...Be here Now is incredible. I love comic books, Y the last man is the shit.. and than some.I love biographies, I love learning about peoples lives and other cultures. Im intrigued by many people and reading about their lives is fascinating to me(Che, Jim Morrison, etc..) I love HaRrY PoTtEr (all of them)! The lion the witch and the Wardrobe, Their Eyes were watching God, The Talisman, too many to list...I love to read..


My Beautiful mother.