huffing scotchguard, mild mannered adults, checking my PO Box, shadow boxing, the united kingdom, sharp shooting on dull evenings, the month of November
Stephen Colbert and/or
Blake/e/e/e (duh) or > Red Red Meat- changed the way I listen to music > Califone- amazing > Sin Ropas- my current favourite band > Radiohead- > Resplendent- > Franklin Delano > > I also like: Cat Power, Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Beck, Rex, The Fire Show, Tchaikovsky, Sheep on Drugs, Tool, Iron and Wine, there's more but you get the point.
"Steal This Movie" is the biopic of Abbie Hoffman, the famed activist and self proclaimed "orphan of America." The movie paints a portrait of Abbie as a man who loved his country, only not the way the status quo would have wanted him to. Staring Vincent D'Onofrio, this is a must movie! >>>>>>>><<<<<<< <Or any film by Brent Green (
Law and f***ing Order! (C.I., Old School, and SVU in that order) Twin Peaks, Unsolved Mysteries, Quantum Leap, MST3K (if you have to ask you'll never know) Homocide Life on the Streets, The Colbert Report and The Daily Show. I think I like Colbert better, but that's like saying you like the new testament better than the Old Testement filled with murder mayhem blood lust incest distruction of the whole wolrd (all within the first book), but without the old there wouldnt be the new. withouth the stoning of disobedient children and Lot's wife turning to salt, there would be no Colbert. and MSNBC's "To Catch a Preditor." &&&& Arrested Development... have you guys seen this show? it's off the hook, not in the urban white sense of the phrase, but in the actual live fish out of the water, off the line, waiting for its lungs to be killed by the air we breathe.
Foux Du Fafa
Trout Fishing in America by Richard Brautigan > Slowly Downward by Stanley Donwood > Black Zodiac by Charles Wright > The Last Redcoat by Oren Wagner > The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly : by Denis Johnson > Ordinary Messenger by Michael Hannon > My Life in the Former Colonies by Oren Wagner > The Autobiography of Malcolm X : as told to Alex Haley > The Book of Nightmares by Galway Kinnell > I am America and so can you by Stephen Colbert >