BIG DREAM ENTERTAINMENT--LOCATION: Los Angeles & Chicago. Coming Soon 2007!Big Dream Entertainment Contact Information:310-358-3309BIG DREAM ENTERTAINMENT
WHO ARE WE?We are a one stop service company for Unsigned Artist. We provide our clients with Professional Service and Education to help assist them in their project.In turn our clients get involved by supporting a Charity for the year. Big Dream Entertainment links up with a particular charity for the year and our goal is to raise at least $ 200,000.00 Two hundred Thousand Dollars that year for the charity, by getting our Clients involved they become educated on causes that surround their community on a daily and they get to use their talent to help make a difference around the world and in their community. This creates a strong and positive fan base for our clients which in turn helps two important causes succeed in making a difference.How we go about raising awareness and money for our client and the charity is through concerts, college tour being scheduled for the fall of 2007, selling of merchandise and meet and greet forums thru- out their community where the public get educated on the charity and entertained by the Artist… ( Each major artist was once a un-signed artist).We here at Big Dream Entertainment is striving to Educate upcoming artist and inspire change from within to become so much more then just an Hip-Hop or R&B Artist. We want our clients to understand they are the future movement in changing our communities through music and education.We are sending out sponsor packages to bring on sponsors to assist in helping us make dreams come true with our clients and in the community.Our clients sign up for our 18 month program and really begin working towards their dream in the entertainment industry along side some Major Acts we groom them for what’s ahead in the industry and we focus on seeing that each client is represented tailored to their music and talent.Our company offer the following services for our clients: Vocal Coaching, Artist Development , Image and Glamour Makeovers, Pre and Post Production Services, Management, Fitness program, Advertising , Marketing, Accounting , Public Relations , Press Release, Photos and Avid Exposure into the Entertainment Industry.Important Charities that Big Dream Entertainment is Looking to Support is: The Magic Johnson Foundation, National Domestic Abuse Program , The Lupus Foundation, Children with Cancer Program, if you have a program you would like us to support please email info to pillowtalktv@ here at Big Dream Entertainment is looking to build a working relationship with the Best Recording Studios, Producers , and Writers, In the Chicago, Los Angeles , New York, Houston, Dallas , Atlanta, Detroit, and St. Louis area... for our clients.We here at Big Dream Entertainment have over 30 clients that we are currently interviewing with to become part of our team some are seasoned artist and some our new to the industry..We are here to see that our clients get the best quality care and professional service in this industry..We are also looking for booking promoters, dancers, and models for the above citiesPlease leave your complete contact information:
email address
phone #We also have some open positions available at BDE if you are a Team Player and want to make some Great pay and have fun submit your resume to Amanda Cha: [email protected] Dream Entertainment LLC-The StaffPresident : Dionne Rembert
Vice President:Amanda Cha
Secretary: Latoria Webb/ Connie Barnett
Direct Assistant to President: Position Open
Recruitment Department: Dionne Rembert/position open
Stylist Department including Dancers and Models: Martica Starling
Production Coordinator: Position Open
Legal Department: Attorney Mike Harris & Jerry Green
Road Manager:Position Open
Accounting and Payroll: Bank of America
Human Resource Department: Amanda Cha & Kiana MillerWe Offer:Artist DevelopmentManagementAccountingVocal CoachingVideo CastingPre/Post ProductionImage Makeover/Professional StylistMarketing/SalesCreative Writing / Press Release/Bio'sPhoto'sExposure to key people in the Entertainment IndustryLets make a Deal with a LabelAfter January 15th 2007 we will feature an upcoming artist each month you will see before and after profiles of the artist.. and America you will comment to assist us in creating your next super star....
..Myspace BackgroundsI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!