dirty flicks, sexy chicks, and magic tricks...
kind new friends who can teach me and keep me warm . video terrorists who wanna make no budget flicks . dirty girls and slick boys . trouble makers . revolutionaries and rock stars . bedroom anarchists .
skanky european electro! devil music -hot jazz and gypsy filth, tori amos, david bowie, bjork, skinny puppy, fad gadget, coil, coh, chicks on speed, my life with the thrill kill kult, le tigre, cabaret volaire, tiga, the bravery, psychic tv... i guess that's a few
showgirls, female trouble, the idiots...
buffy, dead like me, the L word, peepshow, abfab...
even cowgirls get the blues - anything by Tom Robbins or Neil Gaiman, the disinfo series, cinema sewer, the creation series, robert anton wilson, crowley
anarcho-feminist Emma Goldman cuz i like that thing she said about dancing, John Waters, Genesis P-Orridge, anyone who is a fully functioning alcholic and productive social retard