Tobias Fünke profile picture

Tobias Fünke

Tobias, you BLOWHARD

About Me

Well, I've always wanted to remake Annie Hall. Except, I wouldn't want to get in bed with a green producer like a Sofia Coppola, though. Oh, but give me an old pro like a Robert Redford. Oh, I'd jump into bed with him in a second. And I wouldn't just lie there, Michael Bluth, if that's what you're thinking.

My Interests

stage-fighting workshops; wolf-hunting; hard-boiled eggs; body-chocolate

I'd like to meet:

Mrs. Featherbottom (she sounds lovely!)


Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution


Families with Low Self-Esteem; Rocky; Rocky II; Rocky III; Action Jackson; Mrs. Doubtfire; Mary Poppins


Access Hollywood; Breakups and Shakeups; Entertainment Tonight; Extra; Moving In; Wrench


The Man Inside Me - Dr. Tobias Funke; Caged Wisdom: Musings From Prison; The Low-Carb Gay, Bi, and Transgender Diet - B. J. Zuckerkorn


Carl Weathers; the Blue Man Group; Malcolm X; Pat Croce

My Blog


Hello friends, Im Psychiatrist / Actor / Father Dr. Tobias Funke, and Im here to talk about a crippling illness that afflicts literally dozens of people around the world, including two well-known me...
Posted by Tobias Fünke on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST