Brownson profile picture


[p.s. - The greatest lovers were murderers first.]

About Me

What comes first, the compass?
Or the clock?
Before one can truly manage time,
it is important to know where you are going,
what your priorities and goals are,
in which direction you are headed.
Where you are headed is more important
than how fast you are going.
Rather than always focusing on what's urgent,
learn to focus on what is really important.”

I'm that guy you hate to Love.
I'm Andrew Brown

My Interests

Drumming, Music, Audio Engineering, Sound, Photography, Physics (nerdy... yes, interesting.. more yes), Discovery Channel... etc

I'd like to meet:

Browns Crew
I have wicked friends.














I find that, due to my choice of education, music for me has changed a lot... Somtimes I absolutly hate talking about music with people, but other times I can't stop. Most people think that the way I talk about music is very negitive... So as this is apparentally a touchy subject with me I suppose if you'd like to talk about music with me then do it, otherwise you just keep on listening to what you listen to and I'll do the same.

I do however support many local bands and I do like to hear new things... but if you can think of 3 bands that sound anything like the band you'd like to show me, don't bother because I only really want to hear orignal sounds thanks :-)


My opinion of movies is like my opinion of music...
No more Vanilla Skies or Magnollias, its been done people, get over it.
But In No Particular Order

1) Boondock Saints
2) Snatch
3) The Shawshank Redemption
4) October Sky
5) Wet Hot American Summer
6) Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
7) The Exorcism of Emily Rose
8) Master and Commander
9) Gladiator
10) Donnie Darko


The Hour
Anything on Discovery


The Great Gatsby
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galixie
Where The Red Fern Grows
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Drew Carry Dirty Jokes and Beer

If Mags Count:
EQ Magazine
Live Sound
The Absolute Sound
Mix! Magizine
Modern Drummer

My Blog

Let Loose

I've never actually used this thing for what its ment for. I always use it as an easy means for people to see stuff... let it be pictures that a bunch of people want from a party, or something like th...
Posted by Brownson on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:57:00 PST

Thought, Pt. 1

I know I posted this earlyer today as a bullitin... but I want more people to see it...So its nice to be back in Forest, small town vibes beautiful weather, and all that jazz... but at the same time I...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 03:26:00 PST

Mangs Night 2006

Once Again there was a sick party and I was lucky enough to have my camera as well as take part in the crazy action...First of all, however, I'd like to thank Slim Jim for being so kind once we cut hi...
Posted by Brownson on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 07:23:00 PST

ladies and gentlemen: a true story.

What your about to read are the conversational events that transpired after I left a random comment on Jesses blog. This isn't the coolest thing I've ever done..... but man its funny haha, enjoy:Okay,...
Posted by Brownson on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 01:06:00 PST

Sloppy, Yet METAL

Tanner and KyleTanner and Kyle after Bill said something really stupid.Bill and RobBill and TannerThe Brownson and RobRob... intenseThe Brownson and Kyle (Kyle deciding 'golfing' was a good idea.Kyle ...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 06:59:00 PST

I never thought I could (Distrot Weekend)

Top Aggression, but  I was clearly wrong...This blog goes out to everyone I met and talked to, slept beside, drove me places... or even made me dinner. Thanks again haha. First Night: To everyone...
Posted by Brownson on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 04:08:00 PST

Best Ever: Aggression 2006

This weekend was probably the best weekend I've had in a very very long time... To Everyone who I saw this weekend at the shows: Night One: People Thatstood with me me in because Eedy di...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 05:24:00 PST

Me & Becca

Brownson - happy birthday me, 2 MOTHER effing days I AM SO FUCKIN GAY says: LICK Misery Signals __x .He.Is.Well.Hung.And.I.Am.Hanging.On. says: thats hawt Misery Signals __x .He.Is.Well.Hu...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sarnia is for faggots

yeah, you hurred me, I mean seriously. I love when people talk about sarnia's "Scene" haha... scene? are you kidding me? its not a scene, its a joke the only good thing it has going is monster, remon...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


so this is how it happened the morning began with a phat pimpin ride to london with Ryan, we watched conan and had a pretty nice hot box. then we got to london and went to everfresh... it was deligh...
Posted by Brownson on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST