My name is Marie,•
•I'm 20 years old.•
•I'm in college (St-Jean Cegep) in Medical lab Sciences.
•I like going out in bars (Metric, Le Vieux & Foufs,...)•
•I love cheese cake. I would do anything for cheese cake and go everywhere!•
•people say im funny & silly! I'm probably the most stupid and childish person ever, but in a good way! haha •
•I rock the piano since im about 4 (thanks to gramma Cecile & Alice!)•
•I like to dance alot and not seriously!!•
•I don't take myself too seriously, because if i was, my life would be soooo boring!•
•i've got stars on my belly... poke the stars and get lucky...•
•I have awsome friends, and they mean alot to me and me family does too, even if I don't see them as often as i would like!•