Art,Drawing/Illustration, Film making, Pen & Ink, Surrealism,Hyper-realism, , Body horror, Art history, H.R. Giger, Ernst Fuchs, Beksinski, Durer, Jenny Saville, Cinematography, 35mm photography, 8mm films, Computers & building them, The Internet, Exploitation films, Snuff films, Typography, being creative, comics, looking at the stars, rainy days, thunder & lightning, sleep paralysis, derelict locations, swords and playing with em', riding around on my bike,murdering people, driving at night.
A lot of people are not worth meeting.
Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Full Metal Jacket, The Deer Hunter,Blade Runner, Cannibal Holocaust, Irreversible, Old Boy, The Alien films, The Dead Films, 28 Days Later, Return of the Living Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste, Predator, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Requiem for a Dream, Big Trouble in Little China, John Capenter's The Thing, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, House, House II, The Evil Dead films, Collateral, Bubba Hotep, Dog Soldiers, The Fly, Videodrome, Naked Lunch, Dead Ringers, Any Cronenberg film, The Descent, Three Extremes, Sideways, Blue Velvet, The Elephant Man, Gummo, Saving Private Ryan, The Great Dictator, Modern Times, Gold Rush, Psycho, Rope, Enter the Dragon, Crumb, American Pop, Fritz the Cat, Cool World, Star Wars (old trilogy), City of God, A Scanner Darkly, MST3k Movies...The list goes on
The Painted Bird, Frankenstein, Poe, Dracula.