DaNciN, NeeD FoR SpeeD, GoiN oUt, MeetiN NeW peopLe, pLaYiN pooL, TalKiN oN Da pHoNe, aNd LaSt bUt Not LeaSt:YAY!!! GoOoO SOPi!! [S2K4 Pi Class 7]
S Sweet
I Industrious
G Glamorous
M Meek
A Amorous
O Overwhelming
M Masculine
I Insane
C Cute
R Respectable
O Old
N Naughty
P Playful
I Irresistible
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
People who wouldn't mind going out and kicking it or just be around me. UmMMm... people who likes to go out and kick it and go to dance clubs. MAN, I like dancing too much. .
DaNce: tRaNce, hOuSe, pOp, Rap, BUT MoStLy R&B
I have so many... I can't list them all...
umMmmMM.. RoMaNCe BooKs... i'M a SuCkeR FoR LoVe .