Ican make your lives disappear with a stroke of a pen."
District Attorney Reed Walters said to black students who peacefullydemonstrated at their school after nooses were hung from a schooltree.
"From The Desk Of http://www.thetruthfighers.com/
The Jena Story is the sort of story that should be front-page news andthe fodder for a national discussion: Instead it has been buried in storiescovering Americans pop culture.We are not the first to tell it but we have triedour best to include facts on both sides of this story of injustice inAmerica.
Six black adolescents railroaded by an all-white justice system in asmall Louisiana town where terrorizing blacks is still in a day’sentertainment.
The nooses were hung after a Black student asked permission to situnder a tree that had been reserved by tradition for white students only. Inresponse to the three nooses, nearly every Black student in the school stoodunder the tree in a spontaneous and powerful act of nonviolent protest. Thetown's district attorney quickly arrived, flanked by police officers, and toldthe Black students to stop making such a big deal over the nooses, which schoolofficials termed to be a "harmless prank." The school assembly, like theschoolyard where all of this had begun, was divided by race, with the Blackstudents on one side and the white students on the other. Directing his remarksto the Black students,
District Attorney Reed Walters said, "I can make your livesdisappear with a stroke of a pen.