Shows, shows, and some art.
Contact us on AIM at: HyampBookingWV
Some upcoming HYAMP shows. Be a sport and make sure these get around if you can. Also try to show up as we might be shooting for the documentary and it will be fun. Thanks!
Contact us on AIM at: HyampBookingWV
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Everyone check out the new, improved and spam-less forums .
Tickets for upcoming shows are avaliable here .
The HYAMP staff is swamped right now with school, real jobs, and doing things to improve the venue os we are in search of anyone who would be willing to promote shows. We really need help promoting in places outside of Huntington and Ashland. So, if anyone is willing to help out send an email to Richie
We have begun using the calendar feature of Myspace to keep you informed of shows. Also if anyone wants to know what dates are being held, we are going to list held dates to help people wishing to book shows.
If there are any of you out there interested in booking your own show at HYAMP, please contact me. We're looking for a few fresh faces to get some experience with a lot of different aspects of HYAMP. We especially need a few certain people to help book some shows. Get ahold of me and I can give you some details.
- Richie