I came off the production line in the early 80s, I was thrown in the bin by a stupid guy that thought I was faulty because I was singing, but this worked to my advantage because I managed to climb out the bin and made friends with some local mice. I lived with the mice until I was five, then decided to go for a walk one day through some gardens in Durham. This was how I found a mother, as she felt sorry for me and fed me some of her Felix cat food.
I would go back to the same garden most days when i was hungry, until she gave me a permanent home. I was so happy!
So she took me to Gilesgate infant & primary school where I learned how to speak and spell the word 'the' etc, and passed my cycling proficiency test whilst using stableizers, which was a great achievement as most of the kids had their mother & Farther holding each handle bar pushing!. I then attended Gilesgate Comp where I learned how to fly hellicopters and steal chocolate bars from the vending machines by sticking your hand up when the teachers weren't looking, until one fat boy got his arm stuck and they had to call the fire brigade to get it out. It took four hours, and when it finally came out the fat kid still had the twix gripped firmly in his hand, the greedy sod!
I left gilesgate comp with seven uncassified GCSE's, my mother was so proud she bought me a new bike without stableizors! And got me a place in a local college studying design. This is where I learned how to make new friends and draw matchstick men in hats. I also had my first sexual experience, a girl stood on my foot and touched my leg and said sorry! I will never forget that moment.
Shortly after college I got my first job working with a group of spiders helping them build webs n stuff like that, the pay was ok as I got about five flies an hour. I was then a professional dinosaur hunter, but gave in shortly after my friend was eaten by a T-rex! Then I was bored and decided to make a funny video on two hamsters having a fight in boxing gloves, everybody loved the video so i decided to make more.
I formed the
video channel, you can also view the Durhamboys myspace page
. Hope you enjoy the videos.