Lady profile picture


uh, did i do that?

About Me

i can't decide on a color

My Interests

dressing up. packing the heels and riding my fixie. the late afternoon glow. dance parties. margaritas to go. old cameras. making-out. spontaneity. honey suckles. falling asleep on a certain someones chest. dirty mouths, dirtier minds. getting my kitties to like me. firecrackers. my bed. hors d'oeuvres. steve mcqueen. rama the king. mint n chip ice cream. the ocean. beachmaster. 7-ll. road trips. my good butt jeans. anything mexican. owls. dinner with the girls. our inappropriate conversations at intoxicated vocal levels. good lighting. verbena candles. whiskey. wine. paris. riding bikes with ben. making clothes. art nouveau. costume jewelry. being the worst speller in the world. always forgetting the word i need. word puzzles. parks. coffee. coffee table books. the art of hair removal. creatively being. brunch. your comments. sleeping in. waking up early, and not having to be someplace or do something but going somewhere. flea markets. your imagination. your attention. honest intentions. firsts. lasts. being cheesy, in a good way. bacon.


songs that have their own designated hat or whathaveyou.


Arnold Fornachou or Charles Menches.

My Blog

in just 4 weeks:

-I will be done with my first semester at the "boho academy"-I will be running home to pack my bags for France and Italy-I will be making checklists-I will probably pack too many shoes and cameras-I w...
Posted by Lady on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:35:00 PST

NYC Restaurant Week! My review of Le Colonial

Le Colonial2 out of 5.1: Send it back2: Edible3: Good, something slightly amiss4: Almost perfect5: Hello God, It's me, Elizabeth. I'm sorry I thought you didn't exist.Appetizer: 4Goi Cuon--Soft salad ...
Posted by Lady on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:10:00 PST

NYC Restaurant Week! My review of Craftbar

Craftbar - A Tom Colicchio restaurantI gave it a total of 3 out of 5.1: Send it back2: Edible3: Good, something slightly amiss4: Almost perfect5: Hello God, It's me, Elizabeth. I'm sorry I thought you...
Posted by Lady on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:32:00 PST

41 days

41 days until I go to FIT.41 days of nothing to do.what the hell am i going to do with all my free time?
Posted by Lady on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:49:00 PST

selling on ebay

I've decided to try and sell some of my clothes on ebay. I have a bunch more but am having a hard time parting with them even though its been years since I last worn 'em, if at all in some cases.
Posted by Lady on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 08:57:00 PST

uh... hey.

3 weeks of school left. i miss me so much. i can't wait to see my friends again. been in some pretty shitty moods lately, the stress of "group project" almost killed me, actually it almost killed ev...
Posted by Lady on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:25:00 PST

oh, ma tĂȘte...

I was at matchless on Saturday night, but don't remember much of my night there. 115lbs, 2 sparks, 2 glasses of red wine, 2 pints of beer and 2 bushmills on the rocks. Why do I do that to myself? I...
Posted by Lady on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:03:00 PST


I finished! Here are my Cali pics!!! Did I tell you how much fun it was?! Best yet.
Posted by Lady on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 06:05:00 PST

hey there, its been a while...

As I ran around midtown's garment district, moisture starting to collect around my sunglasses, I spotted a young pretty thing among the usual round and squat that crowd the streets. Its tha...
Posted by Lady on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 11:53:00 PST

one week

One week until I'm in my new apt One week to pack all my shit up One week more of living alone One week until I have another first I'm sitting on my couch, splatters of paint all over my arms an...
Posted by Lady on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST