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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

30 things about me you should know REVISED VERSION 1.1.I absolutely hate inappropriate sexual innuendos~ If I have never touched you, kissed you, told you I want to sleep with you or if we are not friends and have NEVER MET......then for gods sake don't tell me about how "hard" your "magic stick" is or anything else that implies makes me SO not want to have sex with you!!!~2. I love a man that can cook a great steak~3. Yes, I have been with women, but that DOES not mean I am going to have a threesome with you! If I really like you, I don't want to share you~4. Please don't tell me about how intelligent you are or how successful you are....tell me what you do on the holidays with your family, tell me what you are passionate about, tell me what your fave time of year is and why..... I don't want to hear about your fucking status......that is not going to make me into you~5. I love animals and if you don't we are gonna have a problem6. I love kids and have one and will have more sometime~7. My son is number ONE...period8.I don't think men should pay for everything, but for gods' sake I can not stand a cheap skate....don't go out if you don't have money....that applies to everyone in my book. If you don't tip the waitress correctly I notice that.9. I love to travel and especially like a person that is down to jump in the car spontaneously and head to the beach with me. Road trips are really fun to me:-)10. I was born in Las Vegas and have done just about everything that qualifies as SIN.....soooooo I am not all hung up on getting lap dances, doing drugs, running the strip and hotel parties like I was when I was 17 years old. I like to party still.....BUT I much rather prefer activities outdoors, chillin at the movies, dinner, in the mountains, at the lake, riding ATVs, horseback riding, hiking and things like that.11.I have a major pet peeve with men saying "cuddle" in a sentence in place of "sex". I mean this drives me fucking nuts. I know goddddam well you do not want to come over to my house at midnight and just "cuddle" with me! I hate you trying to sugar coat that shit....say sounds much more adult to me.12. I like a man that has manners13. If you are the slightest bit interested in not ask me questions about my girlfriends or tell me how hot they are. I know they are hot!!! When you do this....I INSTANTLY put you into the friend category and 99% of the time there is no turning back from there~14. Yes it is cool to ask me out on a "dinner" date, but I would like to be asked out on a park date or a ice-skating date or a show date or something that does not just involve an awkward conversation over creative people~15. I don't respond well to men that tell me they wish I was a little bit taller...a little bit shorter...would be cuter if I had brown hair.....ect.ect. I am what I am and I am not changing so move the fuck on~16. I love back rubs and if I like you....I will want to give them to you....this does not mean I want sex....when my hand slips down your pants then I want sex...wait for it~17. If you know I am into you...please do not be shy with me...I am not going to break and if I have actually "told" you I am interested.....then be aggressive18. I think gym clothes and a hat are the sexiest thing a man can wear19. I don't care that much about your body, if you have a beer gut or whatever it is more important to me how you make me feel.....if you make me laugh...if you are a positive person...if you can bring light to a dark situation and if you are easygoing20. I know a lot of men say they LIKE long hair.....but when it comes down to gets in their mouth or they get tangled in it...... I don't want to hear you complain about this... either wrap it around your fingers and pull it or shut the fuck up!21. Please people just because I am not interested in YOU does not I am a lesbian.....that is so arrogant....oh and just because I tell you I had a bad day.....does not mean I want to "cuddle":-)22.I was married yes..... I was for TEN years almost 11 YEARS and I would do it again....if I found the right person, I feel like I have learned about myself that I like to be with ONE guy ...juggling a dozen is entertaining but not fulfilling...attention is nice, but if one guy gave me the right kind of well rounded attention I could dig that23. Please don't ask me out on a date with you and then tell me about what a broken person you are and how you are not over your ex....this turns me off....I can be your friend and listen, but I will ultimately wind up being your FRIEND24. I always love a protective guy, a guy that is willing to fight for my honor, that holds me close and that wants to make sure I am safe25. This is for those myspace guys that send messages to me that are so is a clue...I don't think it's possible to fall in love online through please don't tell me that you are truly having feelings for me and I seem so wonderful by my myspace page, that is so fucking ridiculous and desperate STOP IT I will just keep blocking you26. I love a guy that can hold his own in a conversation and in social situations...someone that can keep up with me socially and be able to mingle...I don't like to babysit my if it is just you and I that's entirely different...but if we are going out to meet people and be in a social environment...then I need a person that can handle himself27. I can not believe the assholes I have met over the last year and a half of dating several different types of guys and it seems there is one common thread that makes me dislike a guy....him not being confident and being way to controlling.....I will not go out with you again if date # ONE is this way......I am just not attracted to a person that lacks self-esteem or ambition to change what is making them so insecure28. I love it when a man shows he cares....not with words....but by remembering important things to me....things I like and dislike.........ACTIONS...they do speak louder then words and at the end of the day......I want someone who will go that extra mile and put forth effort for me because I will do back flips for a guy I like....I have been walked on in the past and I am done with live and learn...and I will give 110% when I know I can trust you29. I need my own space...I am very independent and I like to do my thing, please do not try to tell me what I will be doing or when or life does not start to change because of you until you are my boyfriend until that happens...I will be doing what I want and when I want and I don't intend to have any leashes put on me just because we are talking or go out a few times30. Respect ...loyalty...integrity.....heart....intelligence....ambition light side....a dark side....a human open mind wn to earth....with a sense of family values and responsibilities ARE more important to me then anything else and I am not going to waste my time or yours if you and I are dating and I just find out you like to kill cats...or you are obsessed with gambling...or you have a fantasy of me and my friends screwing you at the same time NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.....or you want to just have sex with me anytime you want, but don't spend time with me, or the opposite you love to be around me 24 hours a day..... yet you don't feel like having sex....or you are a bum going no where and doesn't intend to ....or you have kids, but you are trying to weasel a way out of taking care of them financially...or you like to jack-off when we make-out that is so weird....or you laugh at other peoples' hardships and you throw stones at glass houses...because what goes around comes back around....... and I am so ready to date an actual adult that wants more from me then sex.
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My HEROES ARE my great grandmother Zona Bonnell, my dad and my SON AND MY NEAR AND DEAR FRIENDS

My Blog

Music Trivia Name That Artist From the Song Title Answers

Name the artist:-) The answers are in my blog:-) For all you cheaters ha ha FROM GINA   Johnny Angry Johnny- PoeSweetheart- Mariah CareyLet It Be- The BeatlesHow Many Licks- Lil' KimGet Naked...
Posted by Gina on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:18:00 PST

69 Questions Quiz about me

Gina  1. Initials:-RRB 2. Name someone with the same birthday as you.The old lady that works at Wal-Mart pharmacy 3. Favorite fruit?banana 4. For or against same sex marriage?FOR IT......who the ...
Posted by Gina on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 05:21:00 PST