We are Emphasis, but if you've known us long enough you can call us Emph if you'd like! We are three guys that live in a small Iowan town known as Humeston. It's a wonderful town if boredom thrills you or excites you in you trousers. Plain and simple, where we live is lame so that's why we have this here band, to atleast liven up our lives a little bit. So let me introduce ourselves. First we have Kyle, he's an idiot that can play guitar fairly well. Second we have Chat, he's the childish one who likes to bang on things and make noise. Third and finally we have Dirk, he's the handsome fellow and all around awesome person.... who am I kidding, he's a retard because his instrument only has four strings, how simple is that?! But seriously, you'd love us! Like every other band out there we have our influences, our main ones are Blink 182, New Found Glory, Sum 41, and MxPx. So that's a quick intro of who we be, so stick around and check out our music, send us messages, and leave us some comments! Stay rad - EmphBuy merch from Emphasis at www.zazzle.com/emphasismusic
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