Roger Keith Barrett was born in Cambridge, England on January 6, 1946. He joined a local band in his teens, and they played at the UFO in London as either The Tea Sets or as The Pink Floyd (Sound). He replaced the former guitarist and vocalist Bob Klose. Barrett had been reading in the liner notes of one of his then-favourite albums, and it had noted Pink Anderson and Floyd Council--and he suggested the name for the band. The "Sound" was dropped rather quickly, but they were referred to as The Pink Floyd as late as 1988 when Gilmour last used the "The" as a part of their name.
Barrett produced one album with Pink Floyd and one track on the next before he left the band. One night, the group voted not to pick him up for a gig, though they still planned to keep in the group as the Beach Boys had with Brian Wilson--a songwriter, but not actually doing live performances because he was "too crazy".
Barrett went on to a relatively successful solo career, in which he produced two albums and a number of previously unreleased tracks.
He then lived as a recluse for almost 30 years, when he died on July 7, 2006 in his Cambridge home. He died of pancreatic cancer due to "complications from his type-II diabetes". Barrett's family held a small funeral in Cambridge, to which only his closest family were invited, but not the members Pink Floyd for fear that this would create too much news, and the press would become involved.
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