Well actually I have a lot of fun writing in cooperation with my honey. Normally I do this in my own laguage, but because my page is mostly english I decided to translate the little story we work on for your all pleasure, lol. So to my english people around here: if you find anything in my story (in my blog) that I absolutely can't say like that, then let me know! Lol... each important mistake you find may bring you a "thanx to..." spot in the final book!
Well, I'm interested in nice people that are fun to sometimes talk to. I'm not any interested in friend requests from bands that want to spread their music and already have 10 000 people on their list. If you're that popular and I think your cool, then I'll add you on my own.
I don't take your requests that come without saying a word anymore. Cause I see no reason at all to have people as friends that I won't ever talk to or get to know at all. So if you want to be my "friend", even in here, then you have to somehow get my interest. And believe me, a "Hi you're sexy" won't be enough! You have to be smart, fun and charming, but only to the point where this get's to much...Feel free to add me if you think you are fitting into this,lol. If I delete you after a week you know you're not!
Hahaha, I start sounding bitchy and complicated... I should stop writing for today!
I love music and my taste in ist pretty "wide". Means, I'm not stuck to one specific direction of music, but can find in almost every genre pieces that I really like. But of course I do have some, in which I find more that I like then in others. A lot of stuff I really love was made in the 80's and I digg electronical music as well as rocky stuff and Hip Hop. Artists or bands that I'd name as some of my favourites would be Placebo, VNV Nation, Anne Clark, R.E.M., Immortal Technique.....
Oh, I'm so into movies! Love long movie nights, especially with my honey as pillow and some tortilla chips to snack! Some of my fav movies are Kill Bill, The Crow, Pulp Fiction, Perdita Durango, Soylent Green, The Bodysnatchers, Lost Highway, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Butterfly Effect, Sin City, True Romance and ok, let's be honest, Gone with the Wind, as cheesy as it might be. Uh, and I love everything with Spaceships and far away planets... totally Sci-Fi-Fan!