Guitar, Basketball, The Beach, Dancing(w/girls), Clubbing, Skating, and, of course, topless dancers. I also like to party and get drunk, hang out with friends, and party and get drunk.
Tom Bodet
System of a Down, Nirvana, AC/DC, Sublime, Greenday, Blink 182, Notorious BIG, Mozart, ... oops, I forgot, this list could go on forever. Basically, those are my favorites, but I like all music except Country and Opera. Although, there are a few Country songs i do like, can you guess what they are?
American Beauty, Aviator, Cast Away, Fight Club, School of Rock - not only are these my favorites, but they also happen to be the best movies ever made, what a coincidence!And Dark Water was also a good movie... FOR ME TO POOP ON!
Conan O Brian and Mythbusters and Viva La Bam, thats it! I'm not a big TV watcher, ooh, but I'm looking forward to Adam Corolla's new show.
Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram, (*Playboy*) The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn, and any book by Chuck Palahniuk. PLAYBOY COUNTS AS A BOOK, RIGHT?
Stanley Milgram, Stanley Kubrick, HUGH HEFNER