I am the frontman in the rock n roll extravaganza known as RED ROCKET DELUXE!! If ya aint seen us then you best come check us out!! playin' heavey ass back breakin' guitars thru way too big & way too loud amps!!!1950's style custom cars & hot rods, Like the 1951 Ford I own, (Yeah It's a Flathead!!!! ) Drinkin', Rockin', Rollin', Fuckin', Fightin', pin-up chicks, tattoos, pin-up chicks with tattoos, music from metal to jazz, and everything in between,except for this new country shit. Makin love on a haystack behind my grannys chicken-coop, you know the usual shit.
Axl Rose ,.........so i could kick his ass!! , Zakk Wylde, so we could talk about kicking Axl's ass!!!! Gene Winfield, & the president of I wanna give you alot of $$$$$ but I'm not gonna tell you what to do Records
my musical tastes are huge so heres a few: RED ROCKET DELUXE, BLUE DRUIDS, All my drunken brothers in : Honky, Nekkid, Rockcity Dropouts, The Infernals, Blackheadz, The Hot Rods,Thunderosa, & anybody else that I've ever shared a stage & a drink (or 12) with! Molley Hatchett, ZZ TOP,Boston,Guns N Roses, Kiss, Thin Lizzy, RIVER BOTTOM NIGHTMARE BAND(The Nightmare) 3 X 1 - 1, AC/DC, MILES DAVIS, BLAH, BLAH BLAH, I LIKE ALOT OF BANDS.
My favorite movie in the entire world is EMMIT OTTER'S JUG BAND CHRISTMAS! if you dont know what that is I suggest that you find it, So you can realize what it is to fucking ROCK. oh yeah, I really like Taxi Driver too. OH & RUN RONNIE RUN!!!!!
Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas. It comes on at Christmas time. Watch it bitches. Dont forget Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy,My Name is Earl,SquidBillies, thats about it
I normally read paper backs, you know Club, swank, big-un's & Barely-Legal. I have just recently read "Zen Guitar Method", & found it quite intriguing.The Heroin Diaries, The Dirt, Just about any Rock N Roll based autobiography.
Delilah Rae King!!!! ( my baby girl)