Image code by deepbox.comRocking &/or Rolling, hockey, drinking, football, photography,reading, dancing, making lingerie, wearing lingerie, hangin at the beach, riding horses, mixing drinks, writing
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Bettie Page!
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Beatles, Zeppelin, Sabbath, White Stripes, Nirvana, Sloan, Blind Melon, Stones, Hendrix, black crowes, kiss, alice in chains, tool, velvet underground, janis, acdc, metallica, floozy, sidesixtyseven, ryecatchers, free stone, pink floyd, the who, animals, yes, beck , big sugar, Traffic, Danny Echo, the capitals, Who Shot John?, cadaver dogs, pioneer10, Twist and Shout, the February March
What Beatle are you?
You love to laugh & be around others. Very laid back & generous. A tad quirky though.
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Which Led Zeppelin Song are You?
You are "Kashmir." You are most likely a mysterious person. However, you are probably not dark. You're mainly about intruige and not darkness. A lot of people probably want to be your friend. People wonder about you a lot. Not in a bad way of course. They just think you're interesting. You are very creative and smart. You more than likely have a way with words or an amazing drawing/painting ability. Whatever talent you may posses, your abilites shine brighter than others.
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Godfather, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Evil Dead, Shining, Goodfellas, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bills, American Psycho, Casino, napoleon dynamite, happy gilmore, strange brew eh?
Which Quentin tarantino Character are you?
Mia WallaceYou are from Pulp Fiction. You are Marsellus Wallace's wife and are very wild. You know how to have a good time but get yourself and others into trouble alot.
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What Classic Movie Are You?
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Hockey Night in Canada, Sex in the City, Sopranos, Deadwood, Rescue Me, Six Feet Under, Weeds, Dead Like Me, basically anything on HBO or Showcase
Anything by Mario Puzo, orwell, Huxley, the tao of pooh, Roots, Memoirs of a geisha, One flew over the cuckoos nest, and then there were none, to kill a mockingbird, IT
Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
Bettie Boop
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You Date Like a Man
According to studies on dating, you date like a man.
You date casually and frequently, getting serious with select people over time.
Physical attraction and chemistry is very important to you.
And if there's nothing more than a physical connection, that's okay with you (at least for a while).
You are definitely looking for love, but you are in no rush to find it.
You figure love will eventually come your way, and you're not going to live like a monk while you're waiting!
Do You Date Like a Man or a Woman?
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