Babygirl SHI SHI profile picture

Babygirl SHI SHI

I am here for Friends

About Me

HI everyone!!! My name is Shilo, but everyone calls me Shi Shi. I am a very pretty girl,and I love my Mommy and Daddy more than anything else in the world. I have a brother named Spazz, and we don't get along a lot of the time....He is so jealous of me..Ya that's it....So I help My Daddy disipline him....Everytime my daddy smacks the leather couch it makes a BANG and I bark a lot and chase my brother away...I'm not sure why i do it. I really love my rawhide bones I have one usually 2 or 3 times a week depending on what kind of mood my parents are in. I bite my nails just like daddy..I know bad habbit...I love to lay down at one end of my couch when daddy is at the other end....For some reason I always have to be close to him...He has a sore back lots so I try to confort him as much as I can. I like playing fetch and my ball is my favourite toy...Whenever i fart i sniff my bum and run...I have no idea why, I love the smell so much...I have my own bedroom..Well I share it with Spazz, he doesn't snore much so I tolerate it....He is such a whiner,and they call me a princess...HELLO. I was spaded when I was 6 months old so I am a virgin..And proud of it!!!! Once I broke my leg really bad and my Daddy had to rush me to the hospital. He drove very fast because he thought i was dying...But they fixed my leg up just fine and now it only hurts sometimes. I miss my other brother Cory a lot....We used to share a room together...But one day he left and never came back..I miss him so much. I hope he comes back...My parents are pretty cool they don't dress me up funny or nothing...Except for my collar I love the colour Mom picked out.My favourite time is when My parents take me to the beach..I love to swim and chase sticks they throw for me..I like going fishing with Daddy to..Since Cory left he usually goes by himself. If you want to be my friend I would like that very much...I hope you don't mind but I am not purebread..I am Chesapeake Bay Retriever crossed with German Shepherd. I think Mommy was a Chesapeake but I'm not sure. ..
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My Interests

I like going to the beach..That is my favourite!!!!I bark at the dogs next door because its fun...They bark back but I am like 10 times their size so their barks don't count.I like bones...sniffing things..Buts is the best!!!! ..

I'd like to meet:

Other dogs like me...Only cats if you are cool.If you are like my brother Spazz then leave my profile emmediatly!!! If you are a pet then message me!
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I like that song...Who let the dogs out... .. ..
Click here to get Who Let The Dogs Out? at


My favourite has always been Homeward Bound, and Old Yeller...Milo and Otis are Ok...Some of Lassie's stuff isn't bad either...Benjie is a pussy.


Discovery channel...Animal Planet..Planet's Funniest Animals...All the Animal Cops Shows..Especially New York's ASPCA one
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What's a hero??? Is that a Coooookie?????? Or a treat!?!?!?
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