Reading and Writing.hanging with friends.hanging at Barnes & Noble.going to the movies.
.. width="425" height="350" ..For the first time in my life, I respect men. What was done to the Castrati was cruel but done for the sake of art. And men in the 21st century complain that they have it rough?
I like almost everything except Rap.
The Mummy and Mummy Returns, Queen of the Damned, Star Wars, Interview with the Vampire, Phantom of the Opera, The Italian Job, The Count of Monte Cristo ( French Version), Ghost Ship, and more that I can't think of.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Night Stalker, Supernatural, Tru Calling, and othersobject width="425" height="350" ..
My favorite books are Vampire Chronicles, Anita Blake, Cry to Heaven, A Wrinkle in Time. A Ring of Endless Light. The Count of Monte Cristo, Servent of the Bones, Girl with a Pearl Earing, and All of Christopher Rice's books.
I'm my own hero.