I like...
- Food
- Anime / Manga
- Drawing
- People in general (most of the times)
- Doing stuff
- Sleeping (regardless of the fact if you ask when I prefer to sleep. At those time I don't know the meaning of this "sleep")
- RPG's
- And all the stuff I'm not not interested in. ^_~ (Damn, can't believe I just used that smiley... o.O) What more is there to say?
Hyung-tae Kim. He has got the craziest art skills I have seen. Basically my idol in one way or another.
Ghandi. He's awesome... in his own way. He's dead, but I can be dead too, right? Don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, or distant. I'll drag him down here.
Angelina Jolie. Okay. Who DOESN'T love her? Huh? That's what I thought.
Myself. The side of me that no one knows about and I'm not too sure about.
Just about anything floats my boat. Except country. There's just something wrong with that.
I haven't watched anything interesting in a while, so there's nothing much I can say that'll interest you. (That and I'm too lazy to write a decent review on something)
I watch the YTV dubs of Gundam Seed and .Hack. Maybe some Simpsons and Family Guy here and there. That's usually about it. Every now and then a good movie or AMV and MXC.
Unless we're talking manga, I got nothing for you here.
< I worship myself. >