I'm interested in the following things:
As a lesbian I can't help but be interested in women. I love beautiful things and a beautiful woman will catch my eye rather fast
I love to draw all kinds of things. I also love original ideas and even if something isn't original I like to see how it can be taken it different directions.
I can't help but write mostly dark or morbid stuff. I hate people that assume that because I'm a goth girl that's why I do it. I'm just tired of seeing everything end with a happy ending, I want something new. I love things that make me think outside the box and I want to do the same to others.
Eh what can I say I love cartoons especially Japanese ones. The maturity and deeper plots just drag me in. I can't stand simplistic plots and characters. I need some character and plot development damnit!
I'm a sucker for nighttime walks. It's my favorite time because that's when the fewest amount of people are out. It's just you and your friends or even just you and the nighttime. A lot of stuff happens after dark that few people are aware of. Think of what you're missing.
I just can't walk away from a conversation that involves wit. Too many idiots in this world. I don't mind goofying around but if I can discuss why religion does or doesn't exist, why it is or isn't a choice, is your life predetermined, etc. Like I said I love things that make me think.
The person I'd like to meet the most is that one girl that's meant for me.
Yeah, yeah sappy, mushy whatever. It makes sense
Can't say there's anyone else I want to meet. I'm good with my mushy answer.
I don't know hardly any band names or song names. All I know are basic genres.
I do love Heavy Metal when I'm in the mood to party and have fun.
I love Gothic music when I'm in a mellowish mood or just want to laze about. Also before we get confused the Gothic genre of music features a lot of slow, mellow-ish type sound too it. Not much hard beats in it just morbid, dark, poetic type music. Some of it isn't poetic really but is still good and mellow.
Classical music is wonderful for when I'm writing or drawing. It helps get the creativity going. It's also good for when I'm upset because I can just lose myself in the intruments and be good for a while.
I esepcially love instrument celtic and irish music. My favorite type of music is ones without lyrics just music. It can let my mind wander much easier with no lyrics to interfere.
I also love international music. Japanese, spanish, egyptian, are all a few of the languages who I have found have great artists and songs.
These have changed from before
Final Fantasy VII:AC
Everyone claims its the best thing ever but I was disapointed in it. It didn't have good character developement and was to Clound-centric. There were others in the game that all contributed to it. I would have liked Cait Sith and Red XIII to have more then a few lines (or in Nanaki's one line). I was happy that Maaya Sakamoto was the voice of Aerith. She has the most beautiful singing voice I've ever heard. Despite my somewhat dislike of the movie it's in my favorites because I still enjoyed it and the artwork was amazing.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:Beginnings
I loved the original, I loved the remake of the original, and I loved this "Original". I live in Texas so it's part of the history and the nice use of various pieces of farm equipment was good to. It was very gory and explicit that many people may not be able to handle.
Nightmare on Elm Street
Can't change this one. It's classic horror.
The original version of the Ring. Wonderfully creepy.
Also known as Spiral. It's a japanese movie made by the same people that did Ringu. Beautifully morbid and graphic.
Ju-on:The Grudge
The original Japanese version of The Grudge. I thought this one was much better and much creepier then it's American counterpart. Especially the lady on the TV. Some reason that just freaked me out.
Saw this a little while back. It was pretty damn good. Another japanese horror flick.
There are many, many more but I'm to lazy to put them all in. If you can't tell I like forgien films. I don't know why but the japanese make a damn good horror film.
I use to be a big television watcher but now I hardly ever watch it anymore. Nothing worth watching now.
All we have now is those crappy reality TV things. God what I wouldn't give for some good quality TV again. However, I have gotten obsessed with a new show "Heros". It's just so interesting and it keeps you guessing.
Only seen three episodes but I can't wait for the next. The characters are interesting, the plot is unexpected, and I've always been a lover of superheros. It's a great show for those tired of crappy TV.
I have an interesting selection of books. Here's some of them.
Fairytales and Nightmares
These are actually comics done by I believe the great Jhonen Vasquez. They also focus on certain fairy tales such as Cinderella and Snow White. However it actually focuses on a doll that's there at each point in time. The girls that get her usually go through bad times themselves. It's highly amusing.
Johnney the Homicidal Maniac
Another wonderful creation of Johnen. It's a set of comics that revolve around Johnney who kills people. It's actually got some rather deep thoughts to it at times and beautiful morbid humor.
Tales of the Dark Tower
This is a collection of tales and beautiful gothic art by different people. I even managed to accidently find a calender done by the people from the book. It's a long story about the Dark Tower that that which resides within it. It's actually very good.
Vampire Vow
This is actually a favorite of mine. It's about a Roman Solider who is friends with Jesus. The solider is very much in love with him but unfortunately Jesus refuses him of course. He's upset and eventually Jesus gets crusified and all that. Anyways the guy eventually ends up a vampire. He spends all of his years search for Jesus. The guy's basically obsessed. He poses as a monk and seduces a few boys. Basically it's about vampires and m/m smut. It does have a great storyline and the symbolism behind it all is great yet blasphemous at the sametime. I love it. There is a second book in the series that I haven't read yet but I'm dying to since the first one was great.
The Myst Series
If you've ever played the computer game you know very little about these books. Only thing you'll know is names and that books link to worlds. These are extremely mature and wordy novels. There are three and they are the best and most orginal books I've ever read. I remember reading them as a young girl and not quite understanding some of the words at the time but it still caught my attention and stuck in my mind forever. Now I own all three and am glad I found them again. Definetly good for people that love orginality and thinking.
Angels and Demons
It's by the same man that wrote The Da Vinci Code except it came out before that one. It's more sci-fi but manages to stay so real, that it could be possible. This focuses on religion and science and their co-existances. Or lack there of. Either way it'll keep you entertained the whole way through and the ending is not expected.
The Perfumed Sleeve
It's a detective novel except the setting is Japan. I don't think I could describe it properly but it's definetly a good find and I'm glad I ran into it. It's part of a series I had never read before and you don't need to to understand what's going on. It's full of deciet, sex, and mystery. Just when you think you figure it out, you find out you were way off.
Luckily that's all for now. Go my children and find them and enjoy them for yourselves.
I have no specific heros, however,
I admire people that won't change themselves for someone else or compromise their views to go along with the crowd.
I admire the gay and lesbian people who aren't afraid to show their love for each other in the public eye just like straight people.
I admire people who don't believe race, gender, age, sexuality, skin color, religion, and the way you dress determins the kind of personality they have.
I admire those that will fight for what they believe in even if no one else does.