Zack profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey, what's going on?

The name's Zack, and I'm 20 years into this thing known as life. I'm enjoying the ride so far, the few down points are over looked as I ride the highs. My friends and family keep me grounded, and music keeps me as sane as I'm going to get.

I just really love life, and can't understand who some can throw it all way. But I won't judge them, they did the best they could, and I hope they found some peace.

How to make a Zack
5 parts friendliness
5 parts silliness
5 parts leadership
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness

My Interests

Anything really.

I'd like to meet:

Mike Park, for doing so much to help make the world a better place...and for rocking out damn hard.


Ska for the most part and anything else that might tickle my fancy at that moment in time.

Favorite Bands Time!

Big D and the Kids Table, The Planet Smashers, Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto, Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution, Chris Murray, Mike Park, The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, Bomb The Music Industry, Reel Big Fish, The Suicide Machines, Rancid, Sublime, The Slackers, 311, Mad Caddies, Less Than Jake, Against All Authority, Leftover Crack/Choking Victim, Rude Bones, Specials, Madness, Mustard Plug, The Skatalites, Jack Johnson, Flogging Molly, Satori, Link 80, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Refused, Sarah Slean, F-Minus, Gorillaz, The Aquabats, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Distillers, PotShot, Mad Bomber Society, Subb, Bob Marley, Buck-O-Nine, Blink-182, Dance Hall Crashers, Operation Ivy, Prozzak, Skankin' Pickle, Subb, The Long Beach Dub All Stars, The World/Inferno Friendship Society, Regina Spektor


The End of Evangelion, Mean Girls, Jurassic Park, Aliens


Anything on the Discovery Channel, Lost, Family Guy, Futurama, Disney's Fillmore, or anything that catches my interest.


World War Z


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My Blog

Something to get me into the writing mood.

So I was listening to Orphan Music by Sarah Slean thinking about really nothing in particular, and this just kind of came to me. It might not be that great, but it's better then nothing from my mind t...
Posted by Zack on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:07:00 PST

One Last Night With The Boys

Last night would have to be one of the best nights of my life.Just as the title says, it was one last night with Alistair and Thom before they leave for Japan to study and travel for four months. The ...
Posted by Zack on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 12:33:00 PST

The Show

I think spending damn near $100 at one show means it was good, and holy shit was it ever!The Flatliners put on a sweet set. The pit was kind of lame, due to the massive amount of 16 year old punks who...
Posted by Zack on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:29:00 PST

March 23

Big D and the Kids Table, The Flatliners, and Death By Stereo...Fuck ya.
Posted by Zack on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 06:58:00 PST

The Bicycle Ride of Life

Last night while I was out for a walk with my sister and mom I came up with the best analogy on how I live my life. Final exams for my sister have started, and she has been studying day and night for ...
Posted by Zack on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 04:13:00 PST

Pirates We Be!

So last night my buddies and I gave into the stereotype of drunken college students partaking in illegal activity, but as pirates none the less. First though, I'm going to give you a run down of yeste...
Posted by Zack on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 03:37:00 PST

New Noise

I was going to come on here and bitch about my lack of a love life, but you know what? Fuck that, I have bigger things to worry about then some bloody social status quo. This could be because las...
Posted by Zack on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 11:43:00 PST

I Lost....

But did I ever lose! Good Bye eight dollers, I wish you were mine, but alas it was not ment to be. Zack
Posted by Zack on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:18:00 PST

Week 1 Down!

I've made it a week...didn't think I would, but it seems I did. Now the pot is up to eight bucks. My buddy Tristan got in on it last thursday...but he lost on the 5th night cause he got boar...
Posted by Zack on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 08:04:00 PST

How Long Can I Go?

Today whilst hanging out between classes, Tom, Alastar, and I had an idea! This was almost as good as your online comic we're working on(almost being the key word). As of midnight tonight, no more mas...
Posted by Zack on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 03:53:00 PST