Alice, sexo, unemployment cards, tapes, wyld stallions, giving a damn and not givin' a fuck, analog patches, chi, blasphemy and breakfast, movies, good street trash, laughing at my own horrible jokes, animals, outdoor activities, skipping rocks, rural places, gettin' all hyper and shit, music, weekends, charcoal nubs, road rage, horseshoe crabs, springtime, daydreaming, pretending to be badass, making fun of TV, soft skin, Old ClamShell VHS cases, reading small print disclaimers,getting way more wasted than planned,ollies over sticks,throwing things out there,2 & 4 wheel fun, sleeveless hoodies, punk rock shows for $5, getting lost in nostalgia,never forgetting friends.
"Stand Back! - I'm gonna knock his block off!"
Best take yo ass Back to School Like Rodney D!
ChainsawNoam named Chomsky Ug Melvin the Mop Boy