Jon profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I've been online since the late 1980s, and I've been an Internet professional since 1992, when Paco Nathan and I formed FringeWare, Inc., the first Internet-based company. We operated the FringeWare News Network and published FringeWare Review. We met as associate editors at bOING bOING (the zine version). I went on to write for several publications and edit a subdomain of the Millennium Whole Earth Catalog. I also got into online activism, and I've been active since it was founded with EFF and its attempted chapter, EFF-Austin (EFF never did chapters, so EFF-Austin became a standalone nonprofit organization). Starting in 1997 I worked with Whole Foods Market on their ecommerce sites, which were ambitions, ahead of their time, and no longer exist. I've done a bunch of other stuff, variously involved with the WELL, Wired and HotWired, the WELL and Howard Rheingold, the short-lived Social Software Alliance of the early 1990s, etc. I've been blogging for years at

My Interests

Internet/Web, cyberculture, literature, pop culture, photography, film, music.


Huge eclectic collection and taste. Recently I've been listenging to Austin music, e.g. The Resentments, Jon Dee Graham, Bruce Hughes, Alejandro Escovedo, Carrie Rodriguez, and Greezy Wheels. I listen to jazz (especiatlly the Coltrane/Miles/Rahsaan lineages) and electronica.


Science fiction, independent films... prefer strong character-based stories; love powerful visual effects.


Heroes, Lost, Jericho, House and Battlestar Galactica.


Right now I'm reading Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon. I mostly read nonfiction about cyberculture and novels of various densities.


Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi, Albert Einstein, Ray Harryhausen, Pynchon, James Joyce