always up for adventure
The Jesus Lizard
building vinyl collection. current rotation of cd's includes Les Rallizes deNudes, SRV, Harvey Milk, AutoLux, HUM, Jefferson Airplane, Mastodon, Bob Dylan, Failure...
hilarity over horror
not, South Park
CURRENTLY: Unpublished Works of Ayn Rand; The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron)
NEXT: Steppenwolf (Hermann Hess); the Hunchback of Notre Dame (Victor Hugo)
PAST ACHIEVEMENTS: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safron Foer); Jitterbug Perfume (Tom Robbins); Brave New World (Aldous Huxley); Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Tom Robbins); Alan Ginsberg In America (Jane Kramer);
volumes of collected shorts by Franz Kafka, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Charles Bukowski; A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole), Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger), 100 Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), Les Miserables (Victor Hugo), "The Old Man and the Sea" (Ernest Hemingway), "The Invisible Man" (H.G. Wells), "A Farewell to Arms" (Ernest Hemingway), "The Alchemist" (Paulo Cohelo), "Catch 22" (Joseph Heller), "Diary" (Chuck Palahniuk), "Chronicles Vol. 1" (Bob Dylan), "Confessions of a Record Producer" (Moses Avalon - this one is a must-read for anyone and everyone interested in a career in music and entertainment).
Ma and Pa. SRV, Harrison, Dylan, etc., Dali, Michaelangelo, R.Crumb, etc. The Maxx. The Punisher.